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Tradition of Baelwaef (Gaernian)

Posted on October 13, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Gaernian order/brotherhood – there is only one. The institution maintains the Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms for members.

Fortune’s Pall = Mana Delve

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Cults, Orders and Sects of Aerna (Tender of Hearth and Home)

Posted on October 3, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Tender of Hearth and Home

– This is the dominant order of the faith. It has common Group/Institution elements.

Cleric, Paladin – These are archetypes dedicated to serving and representing the faith in iconic roles as part of their function; Others may be available as Followers at GM discretion – serving as institutional officers, community officers, or simply through Conviction and shared liturgical beliefs.

The Common Face of Faith: Like most Faiths of the Steel Realms, there may be a multitude of denominations that make up Cults, Orders and Sects of Aerna. These share the common Workings of Faith, promoting worship to prove the truth of the Divine Principal's ideals and tenets, and allow Followers a means to prove worthy to wield power and secure a place in the promised afterlife. Aerna has a Dominant Presentation of their faith, clergy, and institutions that the folk of the realms look to.

In addition to their own specific elements of faith, they embrace all the shared elements of the Unified Pantheon of Lightbringers (except where directly contravened).

Options for PC’s in the Steel Realms

i20™ Faith Details

Clerics in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Light, Life, Order, and Peace. NEVER War or Tempest; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

Paladins in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Ancients and Devotion; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

iCore iCore™ Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers:

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Armaments of the Faithful: Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Afterlife: The afterlife promised to the followers of light is the Home of the Safe Hearth.

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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Cults, Orders, and Sects of the Ascended Celestials

Posted on August 2, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Steel Realm Celestines

Steel Realm Celestines

These creatures are from another realm entirely, and came to Helca long ago as part of their ascension into Higher Order beings.

Common Properties

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which they play a significant part.

Common Powers

  • Wings of Ra: The aura of a Celestine was a golden aura that took the shape of wings and glowed with the power of the sun. It heated the area around them, but also bathed the area in radiation – affecting friend and foe alike (though not them). This aura was recharged through direct exposure to a yellow or red sun. The foundations of the Cloak of Stars is based on this.

Common Rites of the Faith

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Loyal Order of Whelm the Protector

Posted on June 16, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Loyal Order of Whelm the Protector is a knightly order of the Steel Realms.

This order had adopted the use of Crown Tags for identification.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


The Bridgemen of Southgate

Posted on June 16, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

A knightly order of the Steel Realms pledged to Whelm. They safeguard the bridge over which all traffic flows from the borderlands north.

It is known that The Clearvor (Desert Giants) built the Southgate Span bridge over the Chasmlands at Southgate Garrison. The Order of the Fearless Spanners works with the mason and engineers of Southgate and the Bridgemen of Southgate to make sure it in good repair and protected from those seeking its destruction.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic
