Posted on January 17, 2022
Extreme Exhaustion: Extreme Exhaustion is measures of Exhaustion that do not return at the normal rate; They linger and are not alleviated except through significantly longer time periods of rest. Simple Exhaustion always recovers before any measures of Extreme.
Posted on September 9, 2021
The Encumbrance of an Item is the awkwardness of the combined size, form, and weight/mass of goods. Measures are assessed against a humanoid being as a baseline. Most small items do not have measurable ENCumbrance on an individual basis, but are measured by groups of related items (Kits) and major items (armor, shields, weapons, etc.). A Physical Conditioning Regimen can also offset these penalties.
Items used by characters must match their Size Factor. If not, worn items cannot be used effectively at all and are automatically encumbering; held items increase by +1 ENC per category greater. If you do not meet the minimum attribute rating for an item the default penalty is +1 ENCumbrance per condition unmet.
Encumbrance Capacity (EC): The maximum Encumbrance you can manage without it affecting your activity.
A character without measurable Encumbrance CAN be Unfettered if they meet all other requirements (unimpeded senses, etc.).
Unencumbered Condition: Load/Encumbrance <= 1x Encumbrance Capacity (EC)
Encumbered Condition: Load/Encumbrance > 1x Encumbrance Capacity (EC)
Direly Encumbered Condition: Load/Encumbrance > 2x Encumbrance Capacity (EC)
Disastrously Encumbered Condition: Load/Encumbrance > 3x Encumbrance Capacity (EC)
While the effects encumbering the character are affecting them, they suffer the following penalties:
EC = Size Factor + Strength mod; Some Features adjust ENCumbrance.
* = Movement adjustments includes penalty from Exhaustion unless zero, but not Difficult Terrain.
Its not the intent to make ENCumbrance an inventory management exercise, but those wishing for good game balance and gritty realism requires it to have some presence.
Posted on July 28, 2021
A survival challenge is where character(s) must get from one point to another with [typically] a limited set of resources.
Aspect | Affects |
Sustenance | |
Hydration | |
Warmth (temperature) | |
Dry (shelter) | |
Run a survival challenge
= Moving between way points using and adapting as needed the knowledge of the terrain, weather, dangers, and sustenance needs to arrive at a destination.
> Orienteering, Survival, Meteorology, Geography = create generic skill and trait d20/icore templates + update base to include apt and basic font awesome images.
= Using Geography and knowledge of existing roads, settlements, and markers to provide a set of options which guarantees a range of movement rates and arrival at pre-set destination.
> Geography, Lore, Streetwise
Planning: Takes survivalist 1 way point of time/scouting/analysis (uses time and resources equivalent to moving to the first way point).
= Make a check based on highest common level of of 4 skills; if any missing = -1 for each missing skill.
The RC result is either in whole or half is subtracted from X waypoints (as appropriate for scale)
Planned: +2 [1 to 4] all travel checks.
Harsh: No healng if camping checks failed.
0 > 1: 1 Short Rest
1: Waypoint #1: Camp @ Automatic
1 > 2: 2 Short Rests, DC 5 Constitution @ d4/2 cold damage
2: Waypoint #2: [harsh] Camp @ DC 7 Wisdom (Survival)
2 > 3: 3 Short Rests, 1st/2nd rests DC 5 Constitution (Survival) @
3rd rest = ascending @ DC 7 Strength (Athletics) @ d4/2 Malaise
= gear to offset = -X [damage type(s)] damage OR Advantage
Condition – ex: Survival aspects (climate, terrain)
= penalties to check if unfamiliar
How much damage is taken and how do they heal?
@ end of day
@ End heals at CON per week (same as illness)
Random Encounters:
Deadfall, avalanche, flash flood, = meteorology
Animals/predator avoidance, safe ground = Tracking
Extra points for teamwork?
= if everyone in the group being guided has the survival skill, then the highest common survival skill level is added to survival check of guide.
= lower cost Labor cost
= preparing for a group behind them?
Foraging: Each day they can forage. This is a survival check and it heals 1 damage per RC. Botany 4+ and Zoology 4+ both add a result degree.
Hunting: For multiple people?
= Provide for a level of care that alleviates fatigue before moving on to next waypoint.
Level of care:
A successful Survival check for a character better than competent guarantees a a better-than-average Diet and Rest, while those with less than competent skill get only average. The best Survival result can only grant an average rating for Conditions.
Long term care and malaise (must be average care to get any alleviation of malaise)
Malaise = con bonus, min 1, per week.
Should this be same for hard damage… then both can be Slow Healing damage
Rations: Average (non-preserved)
None (Iron rations) – calories only, bare survival; can go CON in days, then = turns fatigue into malaise
Exposure – fatigue (convert to real without rest)
Starvation – fatigue/real
Travel Rates: Sustained during a survival challenge assumes a prolonged
Days for base = / days for fast =
General Malaise (from exposure, illness; flu, cold, etc.); The healing rate is CON/week.
#1 Endurance over a distance
Travel Rates
#2 Endurance through a condition
Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore Trait
A Chi Reservoir is the Kinetic form of Anima Reservoir (granting both Well and Pool). This energy is also used to make and/or trigger Meditative Channelings Kinetic Empowered Items and Places. The act of manifesting specific Kinetic Power/Capability using Chi (see hereafter) is referred to as Demonstrating.
Feature Type: Physical
This reservoir grants a measure of the Anima energy known as Chi.
Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs: Follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods. Its applicable aptitude is Kinetic.
The following capabilities can be enacted using Chi, but requires Meditation.
The reservoir can suffer Chi Corruption from several external sources.