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Asked and Answered: The Riverdan Militia

Posted on October 21, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Riverdan “Asked and Answered” Militia headquarters is located on the eastern edge of the Riverdan of Glois, on the road to Rumein of Cerran’s Grant, at the base of the foothills along the main trade road.

The militia was formed in CY 8604, and has openly partnered with the League of the White Lily to advance the culture and cause of the Riverdans.

It was formed as a common resources for the impoverished Riverdans to halt ‘banditry, theft, mercenary bullying, profiteering, and the plundering of shared resources by forces of low character’ – this covers quite a bit and it has found itself on the opposite side of the twin River powers more often than not (of course must understand that this was intended). They have worked hand-in-hand with the Tonnesbridge Vanguard of Monaides in activities in which they share a common cause over time.

Candidate Experience

All candidates must come from an accepted Cultural Experience of the Riverdans. No others are accepted into the militia, only die-hard traditionalists. The militia does not take Cerrans’ Grant applicants.

Time in Service: The militia asks for an initial service of 3 years. The first 6 months s non-combat training. Then you become a militia guardsmen. Many of those coming through this program go on to lead town militias, local watch groups, and become sheriffs or deputies – though most prefer the rural countryside smaller settlements over the larger (and generally more corrupt in their eyes) urban ones.

  • Mustering Out: The character gains a half cost portion per year of service, and leaves with full kit.
  • Call-Up: For the next 3 years, they are obligated to respond to the call if needed; They must send word of their contact information should they arrive to settle in a new locale.

The Cadre of the Menacing Brace

Housed on site, a group of about 80 militia. This is the only full time staffed and ready ‘unit’ of the militia. It consists of about half life-time veteran trainers, administrators, and commanders and the other half trainees or refresher recruits. The cadre can call upon its ‘graduates’ to form a larger band swiftly, assuming it has the funds to do so (food, logistics, etc.).

The herd of cattle, with the bulls sacred to The Shrine to Haedorn the Vigilant is managed by the inhabitants of Boulderwick. The blood from the bulls is used in the dying process of the Asked and Answered militia red markings. Those of the cadre all carry a replica of the warning horn at the shrine.

  • 1 Day: +20
  • 2 Day: +40
  • 4 Day: +100

Bonus two lores.
Veterans pledge self bow tabard dagger,

Common Kit

Arms: war dart, dagger, club

Armor: padded

Equipment: uniform (boots, cloak, brassard – left arm, cloak pin, leather cap); torch x3, candle x3, hand saw, 3 canvas bags, trowel, flint+tinder, bedroll + canvas cover, 20m cord, tarp, 1m poles x4, sm. mirror, wood mess kit

Service Experience of the Riverdan Militia

The Ritual of Asked and Answered


Lemrins Woodyard

Lemrins Woodyard is a stand of trees next to which the training yards and store houses of the militia are located. No fanfare or promotion of this place is made by the group. They claim the stand is home to the tree that Lemrins Spear was fashioned from. The tree is well guarded, and still grows to this day. It is said that Lemrin made his first sacrifice here as well, as there is rusted pair of chains and manacles the tree has grown around – it is just barely visible. The tree grows a new main branch that is jagged like a lightning bolt.

Answering Reach: Each year a branch is cut from Lemrins Woodyard to make a spear, which is fashioned by the elves of the Saivelaugh Weald. The elves make straight the jagged branch, pulling some of its life-spurring magic into their own weald to fuel their extraneous growth for the logging resources they share with the humans of the local area. These are returned having a little residual magic, but a resilient weapon for use by elites of the militia. These are known as Spears of the Answering Reach.

The Answering Reach is always a Long Spear (2 handed only; 10′ reach). It is thin and light though (deceptively so, its true constitution remains hidden), with no requirement to wield.

i20™ Answering Reach Details

The spear is d8, but its average is 5, not 4 (5/8/16 damage).

3 Resilience; Can be repaired by elves or using water collected from the tree leaves in the woodyard and the Mending Cantrip. Either will cost 50sc. Using the last 1 WILL sunder it, making it useless forever. Any time the wielder is struck by an attack with a electrical/lightning source and they are grounded, they automatically make a simple save or apply a free use of Resilience to reduce the damage.

iCore iCore™ Answering Reach Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Faith on Primordial Helca

Posted on October 12, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

In the before-times, Faith on Primordial Helca consisted only the great Anima spirits of beasts, plants, and the elements were worshiped by the beings of Helca, and little to no formal religion was observed. No accessible record exists of these far off moments, but it is said several attempts of civilization came and went within the Nakrian peoples. The dragons of Helca seem to go back to before even the time of Nakria. They were venerated as sources of power and knowledge and the most ancient myths have a story of them protecting Helca from ancient forces from the far reaches of the the stars. They took as they saw fit, but mostly lived in harmony with the other creatures of Helca. Strangely, no record of their animosity of later times is recorded in any of the before-times – unlike after the Celestial Epoch, and the time of the Blood of Saemon. After this event, the modern age began and the Faith in the Steel Realms formed as it is today.

Great Primordial/Primeval of Helca

Hidden Knowledge > The greater primeval idea of a higher existence and struggle of duality that is common throughout the iVerse is expressed as two manifestations of Kauket and Oru.

These represent primeval memes, concepts of such unfathomable depths, non-euclidean geometry, and refined ideals as to be meaningless or without possible exact definition. They ARE given names, and manifestations for the sake of explaining, but do not respond to supplicants meaningfully on Helca.

Kauket: The silent dark, the fluid without form, the cold refuge of night; the Place-Without-Seekers; genderless or all genders, the yawning gateway to infinite possibilities and dissolution. Sometimes associated with The Void.

Oru/Ushu: The Path-of-the-Seeker, the infinite point of clarity and illumination. Where all things converge and merge.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Powers of the Lightbringers

Posted on October 12, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Common Powers of the Lightbringers represent specific powers used by the Divine Principals and entities of the Lightbringers as well as their followers.

State of Grace: All powers granted by the faith are available as the rules allow, assuming they are in good standing with their Divine Principle. The exception to this is if the character has powers granted by an institution of the faith and his not in similar good standing there.

Common Powers of the Lightbringers

Blanket of Warmth

Bathed in Light

Glorious Radiance

Surge of Glower – An almost imperceptible aura of light outlines a target. Attention is drawn to the target; any activity requiring targeting towards the glower victim is given a +1. This could be spells, weapons, skills, or even grant a bonus to reactions towards them in cases where disposition is already friendly and the effect is not feared.

Words of Wisdom – Calms the listeners and gives them a +1 on any check to solve an issue?

Fire of Fascination – uses CHA of adjurer

Eldritch Infusing

Bewitchment –

Comfort of the Mother

Lure of Day – charms

Rollback the Darkness

Banish the Night

Pure Light – raises illumination instead of setting it to something + make the sun bane do damage = illumination levels.

True Light

Find the Way +4 to any checks to remain on target or prevent from getting lost

Surge of Bliss

Inner Radiance GF of all those in effect is added to STA, WPR for the next hour

Arc of Radiance – one of the few damage dealing powers, its main intent is to heal. It can affect conviction in number and heals all companions in 30m. To all enemies it acts as a glower. It deals Conviction in damage to all things of shadow. Those with shadow bonds take an additional amount equal to that rating.

i20™ Lightbringer Power Details

Impacted by Attribute: None | Lore(s): None

i20 [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

i20 Text

iCore iCore™ Lightbringer Power Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Powers of the Wyld Faith

Posted on October 12, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Powers of the Wyld Faith represent specific power used by the Divine Principals and entities of the Wyld Faith and their followers.

State of Grace: All powers granted by the faith are available as the rules allow, assuming they are in good standing with their Divine Principle. The exception to this is if the character has powers granted by an institution of the faith and his not in similar good standing there.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Cave Complexes of the Dark Lands

Posted on October 11, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Cave Complexes of the Dark Lands are a big part of the Geological Features of the Dark Lands.

Despite the safety of the Dark Lands, the Orrish believe it is safer to have a sheltered cave or complex than rely on the Curtain of Night to protect them. The Orrish have spent millennia connecting them, and intruding under the major Mountain Ranges of Helca to get to the heartlands of The Noble East. The Deeping of the Steel Realms is connected to these intrusive tunnels, and the Orrish try to use its effects as a weapon – though it is often a double edged sword. Their continued attempts to invade all the Underlands of the Steel Realms requires eternal vigilance.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

