Posted on February 20, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Pervasive Overview: The Lily Theurgists is a small, closed order providing generic occult services and supplies in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand – mostly in the western areas as they border Dwindor Swamp. Their charter and operation is governed by a formal Limited Reach Agreement. The core of their order is located in the Riverdan of Monaides, and their members operate in service to unknown goals independent of their mercantile operations.
General Motto: “The light of the White Lily reveals All.”
PRESTIGE: Familiar (+1) within 200 miles of The Tower of the Stag / Established (+2) within the principalities of Monaides, Pelmon, Glois, and Bar-Innis.• Leadership: 2 Masters > Magus > Apprentice tiers as per Ranks and Membership of the Lily Theurgists.
• Home: The Riverdan of Monaides.
Symbol(s): The symbol of the order is red background with a bronze eagle possessing a single center eye holding a blue snake that symbolizes the Nanford River.
> Each member has a (scryable) plaque, an embroidered patch on 3 articles of clothing, an institutional arcane focus
Technically, since the home is in the the Riverdans, they have some strange refuge from House Malor and a special dispensation for operating outside of them for some reason.
The standard Ryadian Oblis (Identification of Mystical Items and Effects) is provided; There is no limit on this service in terms of frequency/amount, per the occult accord of orders.
Posted on December 22, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Posted on December 22, 2024 in Steel-Realms