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Synergy Reservoir ( Divine Anima)

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore

A Synergy Reservoir is the Divine form of Anima Reservoir (granting both Well and Pool). This energy is also used to make and/or trigger Divine Empowered Items and Places. The act of manifesting specific Divine Power/Capability using Synergy (see hereafter) is referred to as Adjuration.

This reservoir grants a measure of the Anima energy known as Synergy.

Feature Type: Divine

Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs: Follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods. Its applicable aptitude is Divine.

In the still cold of your thoughts, your mind is cleared of all things except one focus: your faith. In the unrelenting dark, a mote of light appears. The mote becomes 2, until a swirl dance before your inner eye. They swirl around you until you feel like a strand of energy connects to you as they enfold you in their embrace. Once the embrace of the divine has left you feel another conduit stretching across time and space, another bond between you and your faith.

Meditative Flows

The following capabilities can be enacted using Chi, but requires Meditation.

Dangers and Weaknesses

The reservoir can suffer Synergy Corruption from several external sources.

Steeled Reserve

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 iCore Trait

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive


Incarna D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

Incarna d20 version INCOMPLETE

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical

If you are having trouble thinking how this might play out after reading this, check out the Players Roleplaying Guidance content.

Occult Familiarity

Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait


D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

d20 version INCOMPLETE

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical



Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait

A character suffering from Nightmares cannot Meditate. Generally, they only heal at half the normal rate and any powers or capabilities that recover during a Short Rest do no until the nightmares end.

Nightmare Duration

  • Short Term
  • Long Term
  • Indefinite

D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

d20 version INCOMPLETE

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical

If you are having trouble thinking how this might play out after reading this, check out the Players Roleplaying Guidance content.


Natural Hunter

Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait


FREE ACTION: A Natural Hunter can use their Free Action to perform a Perception check to spot game they are hunting. They must be in a position to do so using their senses, but does it instinctively instead of requiring a full action.

i20™ _CommonTitle_ Details

iCore iCore™ _CommonTitle_ Details

Natural Potential
