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Category: iCore

Device Use

Posted on January 17, 2022 in D20 iCore Skill

Each Setting may have Devices and Technology that enhance Toolkits and Work Stations.

Access Device

Operate Device

Modify Device

Armor Use

Posted on July 31, 2021 in iCore Skill

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive

The character is familiar with using the qualities of built and worn armor to offset penalties and Encumbrance. It assumes it has a Basic Fit and form compatible with the wearer, and that they also have familiarity with the armor itself. Those with the appropriate armor experience can adapt average sized armor if they are average themselves. This is not mere familiarity – It implies an advanced level of moving in, fighting in, and understanding of the armor’s materials and properties.

Incarna d20™ Armor Use Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

iCore Armor Use Details/Mechanics

Flora Bound

Posted on July 19, 2021 in D20 iCore Trait

Soul Bonded with Soul Tree

D20 Flora Bound

A level of the Warlock class (can be no higher than 1st level). This is a Binding to the Elven Soul Trees. Elves may not take a Warlock Patron other than the Soul Tree without becoming broken Faey first (which strips them of their Warlock levels for the Soul Tree patron). There is a limit of 2nd level that the character can achieve with this connection, and their other life experience (class level) must be higher. Treat the Warlock Patron as Fey.

  • Allows the use of the Faerie/Elven Living Weapons anywhere on Helca.

Incarna Core Flora Bound


Aura Sight

Posted on July 19, 2021 in D20 iCore Skill

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive
Aura Sight allows its possessor to see the Aura of other things. It can sense Grace as well. Aura Sight is a capability that is developed for altering the perception and seeing an individual entity or object’s aura – which reflects their Aptitude Talent, attunements, alignments, and expressions within them or attached to them. It is different than Super Sensory capability which reads an area through filters of understanding – either conscious or innate.

Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools. With a common frame of reference, multiple specific Lores can stack.

i20™ Skill Details

i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).

A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).


iCore iCore™ Skill Details

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.

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Negation Reservoir (Void)

Posted on July 14, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore Trait

Negation is a manifestation of a form of Void anti-Anima. Only entities with [permanent] Void Aptitude may develop a Negation Reservoir – a reservoir of Void power from which they may activate power and effects that leverage that type of Anima. Like all reservoirs, a Well (and supplementary Pool) is gained. Natural [Aptitude] Talents do not exist for the >Void Aptitude.

Feature Type: Void

Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs

Learning how to unlock the reservoir follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods.

This uses the standard Acquiring and Improving Energy Reservoirs mechanics. Its applicable aptitude is Divine.
