Posted on December 20, 2024
The Folk Hero Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.
Equipment: Each iVerse Setting has a Cost Portion which a character starts with to buy goods with; Also see the "Characters" document for the setting. In addition to general purchasable gear, PC characters are assumed to come from "Middling" circumstances and begin play with equipment (portable Toolkits and/or stationary Work Stations) related to their capabilities granted by Race/Background/Archetype/Cultural experiences.i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.
It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.
The character gains the normal benefits of existing std. Folk Hero template…
The following aspects deviate from, replace, and/or add to the base d20/PHB, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; 'Baseline' values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *
@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), as defined by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Archetype's Pathway ASI explicity assigned or by Attribute Group(s):
BACKGROUND = +1 Charisma and +1 in 'Power' group
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
Posted on December 20, 2024
The Entertainer Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.
Equipment: Each iVerse Setting has a Cost Portion which a character starts with to buy goods with; Also see the "Characters" document for the setting. In addition to general purchasable gear, PC characters are assumed to come from "Middling" circumstances and begin play with equipment (portable Toolkits and/or stationary Work Stations) related to their capabilities granted by Race/Background/Archetype/Cultural experiences.It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.
@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), as defined by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Archetype's Pathway ASI explicity assigned or by Attribute Group(s):
BACKGROUND = +1 and +1
Benefit = +1 CP @Character Inception
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
Posted on December 20, 2024
The Criminal / Spy Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.
Equipment: Each iVerse Setting has a Cost Portion which a character starts with to buy goods with; Also see the "Characters" document for the setting. In addition to general purchasable gear, PC characters are assumed to come from "Middling" circumstances and begin play with equipment (portable Toolkits and/or stationary Work Stations) related to their capabilities granted by Race/Background/Archetype/Cultural experiences.These types of characters are considered to be a Scholarly Communicator for literacy purposes.
It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.
@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), as defined by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Archetype's Pathway ASI explicity assigned or by Attribute Group(s):
BACKGROUND = +1 and +1
Benefit = +1 CP @Character Inception
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
Posted on December 20, 2024
The Charlatan Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.
Equipment: Each iVerse Setting has a Cost Portion which a character starts with to buy goods with; Also see the "Characters" document for the setting. In addition to general purchasable gear, PC characters are assumed to come from "Middling" circumstances and begin play with equipment (portable Toolkits and/or stationary Work Stations) related to their capabilities granted by Race/Background/Archetype/Cultural experiences.It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.
@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), as defined by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Archetype's Pathway ASI explicity assigned or by Attribute Group(s):
BACKGROUND = +1 and +1
Benefit = +1 CP @Character Inception
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
Posted on December 20, 2024
The Athlete Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.
Equipment: Each iVerse Setting has a Cost Portion which a character starts with to buy goods with; Also see the "Characters" document for the setting. In addition to general purchasable gear, PC characters are assumed to come from "Middling" circumstances and begin play with equipment (portable Toolkits and/or stationary Work Stations) related to their capabilities granted by Race/Background/Archetype/Cultural experiences.It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.
@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), as defined by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Archetype's Pathway ASI explicity assigned or by Attribute Group(s):
BACKGROUND = +1 and +1
Benefit = +1 CP @Character Inception
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).