Posted on November 3, 2024 in Steel-Realms
The Stones of Isich are strange magical stones that make make the wielders’ presence mutable in relation to their own conjuration spells. They have a faint glow and each had a symbol cut into it that had meaning only to their creators. Little is known of their creator, only that the name he went by was Isich. Isich was said to have used an enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax to cut the unique markings of each. It is estimated that a dozen or so were made, before their creator and his apprentices who possessed them were swept up in the fall of the northern kingdom of Dundaria (now “Lichrya”) to the Lich Lords.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The Stones of Isich are strange magical stones that make make the wielders’ presence mutable in relation to their own conjuration spells. They have a faint glow and each had a symbol cut into it that had meaning only to their creators. Little is known of their creator, only that the name he went by was Isich. Isich was said to have used an enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax to cut the unique markings of each. It is estimated that a dozen or so were made, before their creator and his apprentices who possessed them were swept up in the fall of the northern kingdom of Dundaria (now “Lichrya”) to the Lich Lords.
The stones were made in the Kroneminas Reach – a low ridge that runs east to the high mountains separating the far north of Dundaria from the ancient lands of Orrishai. It is a hard region, on a rift plateau that made its temperature barely tolerable at the height of summer.
The mine or location they were found in is now lost to history. In this remote place was the Tower of Isich, named after the conjuror Isich that slew the last Frost Giant in the area. The magus, his traditions, location of the mine and the secrets around mining and crafting the crystals all vanished when the Lich Lords took control of the north. Some apprentices may have survived, but after millennium, there is no evidence. A few purported sightings of one or two and a rough description of the marking on them have been recorded, but no one has stepped forward to claim the legacy of their power for either position or reputation.
Item Purpose: Protect the wielder from the detrimental effects of their own conjurations.
Conjuration Spells cast by the wielder become as mutable to them as a shaper of the highest art of magic. They can see through conjured clouds, weather, and walls, walk through a cloud of conjured weapons or an area effect damage from their own spell without being damaged, terrain changes done by the wielders’ spells do not affect the wielder, and creatures conjured by them – even if they lose control – cannot harm them.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
Item Source: i20™ 10/2024
Isich made several forays into the Fallen East using the stones. During that time he had several apprentices – all of which he seemed willing to sacrifice for his own ends. Who knows what his ultimate plans were, but the Lich Lords brought those, like most others in the north, to an abrupt end. He did not survive, and did not make a Cold Bargain like some of the powerful magi of the north did, like Thebadoux.
Isich was an elf-hunter, and managed to kill several elves under a different name, taking the Soul Gem of each and using it as the basis for the Stones of Isich. He told people they were mined from a hidden source in the region where he settled, and cut/shaped with the enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax, but this was just a cover. Whatever it was that produced them, he sought out a hard and remote place, where he could work without leaving a trace of whatever it was that he did. The secrets he possessed to transform them have been long lost, but suffice to say Isich was not a magus of scruples or altruistic drives. He stayed far enough away from elven wealds and forests where they are normally comfortable living.
Posted on October 24, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Nagel’s Toll is a singular hand-bell made from one of the malignant Pa-Ulsey Bells of the Orrish. Its hideous ringing has been transformed into a potent device cast back upon its creators, sewing a disorienting effect. It was crafted by the half-elf druid named Nagel in the Dark Lands, from the original bell found in The Black Fens in CY 8729.
The Legend of Nagel: Nagel was a half elf druid that came from the south and served his brethren by becoming a wander in the Dark Lands. His Numinous spirit of choice was Africa, the great elephant mother – the wise protector. His brothers feared that his identity would collapse, so long had he spent in the dark, his visage itself began to warp and become shrouded without any source to cast a shadow. Brought back from the threshold of dark and despair, he was rehabilitated and claimed the The Black Fens as his wylding weald. Nagel’s compromised identity allowed him to reach a place in the fens that was consumed by madness. He alone is said to have cleansed it, drawing forth the shadow, but it made him unfit except for the company of Darkland Rangers. It is said that he pulled the bell from this place, swaying in the wind, casting a pall over an area that caused madness in all but him. His final days stretched out further and further – unnaturally. During that time he mentored many a Darkland Ranger. He finally passed in CY 9164. He told everyone that he had returned the relic of evil to the fens, sunk deep into them so that none would find it.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
Nagel used it to make forays into the Dark Lands, using the bell to get away from pursuers when discovered. The Black Fens were his charge – a place teeming with sickness and disease as a barrier to both expansion and invasion of the Dark Lands.
Item Purpose: The confounding of Orrish attention
The wielder takes no damage from ringing it as long as they are immune to the effects of the Heartseeker shards. A wielder with a Benevolent or Good Code of Conduct cannot be bound to the item.
Only those on a Pathway of a Ranger or Druid can attune at this level.
Prolonged Toll: uses an Action then a Bonus Action and a hand/appendage each round until done.
Orrish Confusion: DC 12 Wisdom save or Confused (per spell)
Anathema to Orrish Magic: Advantage on all saves vs spells; Ringing can be done in 1 round as a Bonus Action after wielder achieves 6th level.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
After removing the bell from its resting place where its tolling cast madness on the breeze it swayed in, Nagel quieted it. It had spent hundreds of years there, moved by hands unclaimed and making all around it sick – even the Orrish it belonged to. Some force had entered the fens, thinking it would hold the sickness at bay, but it somehow claimed them. There was nothing to indicate the force that had come with it, everything else had been swallowed by the fens, all organic matter eaten, all else sunk.
The bell was cleansed of its evil taint through a means known only to Nagel (perhaps not as good and natural as some had wished), its role as a holy relic of the Orrish has been nullified.
Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Dorn’s Fist is a single bracer that can fit any humanoid arm when the clasp is unbolted and opened. It is said to grant its wearer the ability to hit harder, among other rumored powers. It magically resizes, the metal fatiguing and groaning as it does until the bolt that secures it is slid into place – sizing itself when it touches the metal of the bracer.
the Legend of Dorn: Dorn Emishkir (called “Dorn Hide-Breaker”) was a dwarf well known in the central heartlands of the Steel Realms for a hundred years from roughly CY 8900-9000. He and his dwarven band operated in the T’yendi Hills of Dunstrand and the far east Tollkisson Range, hunting Orrish and Dorn had a penchant for skinning them and leaving their corpses in the dark for their brethren to find. He would taint their bodies too, so they could not even be eaten for sustenance – it only served to strike fear in them. Dorn was known to wield a large 2 handed ax and have immense strength. He did not die, but retired, and his ‘fist’ passed on to his family, who keeps it today.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
Dorn retired in CY 9012, battered and with many tales. Dorn died in CY 9047 in Redlaen. His youngest brother, Duine Emishkir, inherited the magical bracer known as “Dorn’s Fist”, but he chose not to continue his brother’s career – instead he was focused on his community and family of stonemasons in the Dwarven Enclave of Redlaen, in The Saelish region of the Earldom of Bar-Innis in the Duchy of Dunstrand.
It made the wearer stronger, and used that strength to block blows as though it were a shield – freeing up both hands to wield his massive ax.
Item Purpose: Protect its wielder
The wielder must be higher than 6th level.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
Making: Dorn’s grandfather (a full Ducateon from the Varstock Holt in Dunstrand) and father worked to forge a bracer made from ancient broken pieces of Toprag Beryllide found in ancient ruins of the Bronzemen in western Dunstrand.
Duine is said to have passed it on to his son Demis Emishkir, the nephew of Dorn, as he chose to seek his fortunes in ways like his uncle.
Dorn was a berserker, he drew upon the sacred resonance of Madr – “Him” of the Ducateon folk – deep in the earth to claim his berserker spirit. He broke many of his teeth from this effect, and his mouth was said to be a terrifying spectacle of jagged and broken large dwarven teeth when he laughed – making his smile sinister even to his friends.
Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Ghost Keeper is a slim sword that is obviously of elven make, though it lacks any identifying prestige mark. The blade is mentioned only a few times in records, and only as a side note that “it was wielded by an individual at the time of X event”. It is a weapon that lives up to its name by protecting its wielder against spirits and non-corporeal undead.
The blade itself is not known for its presence in any battles of note, and vanishes from all records several hundred years ago. The records of its sightings indicates it changed hands several times, until it ended up with a collector in the far south who seemed intending on putting together a band of adventurers in some foolish notion of collecting relics from the fallen Tower Lands of the south. They, and the blade, were never heard from again.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The blade itself is not known for its presence in any battles of note, and vanishes from all records several hundred years ago. The records of its sightings indicates it changed hands several times, until it ended up with a collector in the far south who seemed intending on putting together a band of adventurers in some foolish notion of collecting relics from the fallen Tower Lands of the south around CY 8600. They, and the blade, were never heard from again.
The few historians who have ventured to comment on its origins, even evlen sages in Port Towne, find no known exact matched style.
It seems to have come out of the north, the Rhyl forest area contains some of its first mentions (in old records compiled in the Merchant Cities of the North) when it was carried out of the ruins of a ghostly castle hidden on the edge of the woods in the Vale of Meargensdale area. It is at least two thousand years old by evidence of the styles it was made with, though it looks freshly forged. It gleams and glitters, and water coalesces on the blade as it moves through the air – leaving a faint mist behind its path.
Item Purpose: The silencing of spirits.
SPIRITS = Spiritus or Non-Corporeal Undead
If it kills or banishes any SPIRITS, the wielder gains a measure of SPIRITCHAIN.
This sword can be wielded proficiency as either a rapier or a long sword.
Scourge vs. Spirits: When the blade is within 5m of SPIRITS, the blade is +1 Attack, +1 Damage, +1 Initiative, and the wielder gains a +1 AC. All manner of resistances against Ghostkeeper by SPIRITS are negated, and immunity is reduced to resistance.
SPIRITCHAIN: As an action, The wielder may use 1 measure (reducing the total by 1 permanently) and cast the Spirit Guardians spell.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
Item Source: i20™ 2023
Posted on November 28, 2021 in Steel-Realms
There are many instances of Orrish Weaponry of the Steel Realms. The Orrish of Helca are known for their nasty tactics and unlimited hatred in fighting. Their weapons reflect this intent to inflict maximum suffering. Darkland Rangers are known to have a difficult trial to make themselves proof against the toxins of Orrish weapons. Most of the weapons are crude – made from flint, stone, and scavenged materials – these are cut and shaped in the “chipping room” of the Basic Orrish Cave Settlement. They raid for better armaments, but few have the wherewithal to care for it correctly in the hostile, dank environment of the Dark Lands. So called “blood weapons” are made from Geoxylish along with Ork blood, bone, & sinew soaked in bloodworm pit and blessed.
Dark-Spawn Loot/Goods: The selling of Orrish made goods/loot outside the Dark Lands has serious issues, and often the best value is 10% of normal.
Hunting Hands: Also called “the hands in the dark”; The priests of the Church of Darkness have a vile and loathsome practice of creating undead animated skittering hands that prowl their warrens and lurk at the edges of raiding parties. They have been known to be used as sentries when the sun is out to warn sleeping concealed/covered raiders. The particularly swift and potent means of making these is from the dead of their own and captives. Even if the captives are taken for slaves, they really only need one hand; It is even more satisfying to hear the screams of captives after explaining to them that their hands will be used to find and strangle children of their bloodline in their cribs!
Many Orrish weapons are made of stone and flint. Flint that was mined in the Dark Lands, while those lands were the Dark Lands for a thousand years. Taken and bathed in the blood of captives in the darklight of the Murkenstone, they become deadly weapons, also called “Heartseeker” – when they strike, a piece breaks off and seeks the heart of the enemy.
Crude Weapons: stone club + war dart + hand ax + dagger/spear tip (d4;2/4/8), stone mace (d6;3/6/12), slings w/stones (d3;2/3/6)
> smaller Orrish, females, juveniles, cripples, children, etc. do 1 less avg (min 1)
Blood Bows A super compact short bow with no strength or dexterity penalty (d6;3/6/12 > +2 avg vs those not under Sun Bane = d6;5/8/14)
> Blood Worm Arrows: Only fired through blood bows, if its a Major Result or more, it burrows for an additional 4 (and some are poisoned; DC 10 Constitution save)
Hunting Hands: Crawling Claws; has a permanent Locate Creature for those blood related to the person it was chopped from.
Wormblat: All wounds do an extra 1 damage, and the recipient must make a DC 10 save vs. Poison or the wound becomes Malaise if it is not remediated completely within a Short Rest and it becomes Infected – converting any remaining damage from the wound into Malaise.