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Category: Mystic

Omens (immediate Signs)

Posted on October 1, 2021 in Mystic

Omens are immediate Signs which are connected to immediate surroundings and circumstances. The possibility of seeing Omens is only available for those seeking them, or those unconsciously in tune with the message of the omen.

Direct Divine presence or scrutiny can trigger or set Omens. Omens are flashes of The Pattern(s) which allow characters to experience in some way the multitude of potential Weaves, beyond their normal, reasoned and expected responses. They present themselves sometimes as strange feelings (Deja vu), dreams, nightmares, and visions or other sensory experiences which present the character with a symbolic and highly interpretable image or feeling. Due to the symbolic and abstract nature of Omens, they are often misunderstood by the intellect, and can only be fathomed using the animistic and intuitive perspective to fully comprehend. Astrological Delving can also be used to have a vision of or trigger a Sign.

Omen Calling

There are several methods for seeking them, but the unconscious awareness requires a character to to pledge 1 essence in some way to hold onto the reflection of The Pattern in the Omen. They may or may not realize they have perceived something important (INT check); and must discover a way to unravel the message of the Omen or find assistance from someone who can. It is usually practiced as a Ritual.

Omen Reading

Failure in Reading an Omen: The character is plagued by doubt and doom; they gain a measure of Bad Luck above any they may have already had from other sources.

Successfully Reading an Omen: The character gains a temporary measure of Leadership – divine guidance which can be used on top of any other Leadership. The character must be able to
explain the Omen to those who may make use of it, and convince them it is divine providence.

Incarna d20™ Omen Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

One possible outcome is to treat it as the Augury spell.

iCore Omen Details/Mechanics

Portents (distant Signs)

Posted on October 1, 2021 in Mystic

Portents are distant signsSigns which are connected to future surroundings and circumstances. Portent is an occurrence of a flash within The Pattern – where the nature of The Pattern in relation to the observer is imprinted around them and transforms them positively or negatively as the pattern indicates.

Portents are actively called forth and read, whereas Omens are natural flashes of The Pattern. Portents reveal The Pattern ahead in moments of probability – not absolute truth, but, depending on its source, with a near perfect degree of accuracy. Astrological Delving can also be used to have a vision of or trigger a Sign.

Portent Calling

It is usually practiced as a Ritual.

Portent Reading

Incarna d20™ Portent Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

One possible outcome is to treat it as the Augury spell.

iCore Portent Details/Mechanics

Portent Moment Adjustments: [favor/rancor] +/- 2 initiative, +/- 1 attacks and defenses (incl. Iron Will levels), regain/lose Good Luck once, +/- 1 to all resistance checks, regain 1 use Wonderment/Wonderment unavailable for use, allies/foes gain 4 Instances of Tactitcal Insight (+1 CS)

  • A Favorable Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all advantages of Favorable Instant.
  • A Favorable Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically gained, character has 1 AM extra
  • A Rancorous Instant: The initial round of the moment – initiative is automatically lost, character has 1 AM less
  • A Rancorous Encounter: The entire encounter of the moment; includes all disadvantages of Rancorous Instant

Signs and Oracles

Posted on October 1, 2021 in Mystic

The future of The Pattern shows evidence of itself through Signs – a flashed glimpse for those with the ability to interpret them. Signs are symbolic and highly interpretative; these rely on intuition and unconscious connection to understand. These often bring with them a measure of Weal (good) or Woe (bad) for a moment in time – depending on whether the alignment of the elements in The Pattern is advantageous or disadvantageous in relation to a target. The source of Signs are often vague – “the planets align”, “the vibrations resonate”, etc.

Wherever an awakened Sparks, or a Anima Fount, etc. exists, certain circumstances can trigger a Sign. Powers provided by Prime Entities can accomplish a reading of Signs. Astrological Delving can also be used to have a vision of or trigger a Sign. Signs most often reference a specific event, moment, or convergence of circumstances.

Weal: These describe a nexus of time, opportunity, and readiness which maximizes the gain, benefit, favor, improved outcome, or Positive experience of a subject in relation to others.

Woe: These describe a nexus of time, opportunity, and readiness which maximizes the loss, harm, rancor, reduced outcome, or Negative experience of a subject in relation to others.

  • Impact: +/-, Advantage/ Disadvantage, or setting a specific value or state (automatic success or failure).
  • Moment: Scene, Encounter, or single check (Death, attack, parry,
  • Scope: Attribute, Feature (Skill, Trait, etc.), Action, Combat Activity
    • Holy festival or institutional auspices means that the {major} range of outcome is enhanced by one.

Example: “When the sun is swallowed by the moon, the spirits of your ancestors will guide your hand against the emperor until the the sun smiles fully on the statue of Billblhaze.” – could mean that the target gains a +2 on all attacks against the emperor for 8 minutes.

Oracles/Oracular Divination

Trained in the art of repeatedly reading and interpreting Signs and bringing their outcomes. Oracular arts require a strong intuition and an ability to both see and interpret the Signs of The Pattern.

Most divine oracles use this power to accomplish this by a Principal allowing their followers to see as they see along multiple dimensions and multiple logical paths making their desired outcomes known. Psychics practice oracular arts through the vibrations of threads in The Pattern. Astrology is a method of revealing and understanding Signs as well. It is usually practiced as a Ritual.


Manifesting Mystic Powers/Capabilities

Posted on October 1, 2021 in Mystic

Each capability is classified usually by Aptitude. For each of these, the actual act of Manifesting capability has a different name. Each capability is different, and most can be personalized or modified through additional research and experimentation; Most choose the quickest/common manifestations as customized versions take more away from in-game time after Character Inception because the time it takes.

The knowledge of the Traditions, Methods, and outcomes surround mystical powers and are framed as either a Low Art (default, most approachable but requires M, S, and V components) or High Art understandings. In additional to skills and lores, the Meditation feature allows explorations of a mystical nature. Inscribed materials are typically done in a way to affix their formulaes with the appropriate mystic reservoir.

Manifestation Aspects

Common Manifesting Aspects: Common aspects of working with psychic powers/capabilities may include such things as raw will power, deep understanding (sometimes based on Aptitude), perception and filters, the use of anima energy and/or Essence, verbalizations, materials (symbolic, sometimes consumed), mental visualizations, specific movements and combinations of any of these. Where one or more are not required may be a way to improve the potency of the Manifestation by adding such a requirement to it, especially materials if offered destructively (consumed) as part of the act.

Low Art of Magic

Aspects always present: All formulae use perception and filters, verbalizations, materials (symbolic, consumed), mental visualizations, specific movements.

Low Art Material Empowerment for Casting

Materials are required for the Low Art practices. It should be assumed all Low Art formula requires materials for successful casting.

A Mystic Focus Point Item, a Place of Focus or Anima Manifestation can be used to create the necessary elements that would normally be consumed in the casting of a spell. An entity must have an anima pool in order to manifest for material consumption.

Components: Suggested cost _Baselines_ for Empowerment Levels:

  1. Pervasive/Common: 1% cost portion
  2. Uncommon: Simple cost portion (10%)
  3. Scarce: Average cost portion (25%)
  4. Rare: Major cost portion (50%)
  5. Unique: Full cost portion (100%)

High Art of Magic

Aspects always present: All formulae use raw will power, deep understanding, perception and filters, verbalizations, the use of anima energy or Essence, mental visualizations, specific movements.

Magic Manifestation Process

  • Effort: Effort is comprised of the knowledge and energy that triggers the “Spell” effect.
  • Effect: Effect is comprised of the focus and direction (Concentration) that triggers the “Spell” effect.
  • Presentation: (Final Manifestation Presentation) Spells, when manifesting, have a physical appearance component in addition to their basic physical parameters (damage, outcome, etc. The physical appearance properties – color, smell, etc. are set by the effect and how it was learned, but can be customized under the right circumstances.

Incarna d20™ Manifestation Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.
  1. Pervasive/Common = No Adjustment
  2. Uncommon = +1 Spell Attack/DC Save
  3. Scarce = +2 Spell Attack/DC Save
  4. Rare = +3 Spell Attack/DC Save
  5. Unique = +4 Spell Attack/DC Save

iCore Manifestation Details/Mechanics



Posted on September 8, 2021 in Mystic

Summoning is the bringing forth of creatures based on their natural archetypes. Every entity, even unique ones such as Familiars, have an archetypal idea from which to draw on. It can be distinguished into two main approaches: Calling vs. Manifesting. The familiar is typically close to the Summoner, sometimes tied to a Binding Object, but must be actively evinced using Anima to enabled its function if bound in spirit form.

Manifested Summons

Manifested Summoned creatures have no history or biases, or preconceived notions. They are templates of an ideal. Control is automatically granted unless specified.

Material creatures summoned in some manner to another sphere or dimension will by default have a Bound Shell to their form. Their Essence and the corporeal body is brought forth as an exact reflection (containing its full powers), taken from a place governed by a High Order being that has actual Infernal or Celestial Dominion. When their material manifestation is ended or upon death, the form remains and is subject to the natural processes of decay or dissolution – though often these bound remains are imbued with the equivalent of Colossi Form Properties within different dimensions and spheres; The typical remains of these creatures, like Primaeth, can be used in a variety of mystical fashioning’s and research, including basic formulae components.

Adding The Form Beyond to a manifesting summons reduces the energy required for it, as there is no persistence in it ending in the realm into which they were summoned. It does slightly reduce the power of The Void in cases where such creatures draw power from it, or from the Paradox powers of Distant Dimension.
