Incarna Traits

Traits are a critical part a character capability.

COST: The character point cost is listed, but the cost is only for character deciding to pay for it using CP. The acquisition of a trait can be worked out between player and GM using time spent studying, practicing, and paying for tutors, materials, etc.


Character Inception: The feature can only be acquired at the time of character creation and using only the initial beginning character resources (not resources from starting a character with more experience).

Trait List

Critical Observer = In observing any character fail a non-combat check, the character may attempt the same check (if they have proficiency) as a Reaction – learning from the failure of the character who went first. In combat, if the character chooses a Help action and the have a second attack, they can still Dodge a single attack (impose Disadvantage).

Natural Athlete: the character gains +1 on Athletic Skill checks (proficient or not); +1 to resist the effects of Forced March; +1 minute for holding your breath/suffocating = 2 minor thing 1 major thing

Aether Faculties
Cost: -1Req/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them.
Aether symbolizes… (DMG p# )
Air Faculties
Cost: -1Req/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effects of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them.
Air symbolizes… (DMG p# )
Cost: -1 CP per levelReq/Limit: CP only as Beginning Character
Attack Surge
Cost: -4Req/Limit: Once
The character can, 1/Long Rest, take a single extra attack when they normally attack. This cannot be used in the same turn as Action Surge. Many battles, much punishment, and uncounted survival challenges have provided the character the ability to glimpse into the flow of combat and take advantage of some predicted situation.
Code of Conduct
Cost: +1Req/Limit:
Binding Grace
Cost: -1Req/Limit: Beginning Characters; Limited by Species/Background
The character has a direct connection to a specific deity/faith by culture and/or species. There is a innate bond from birth or an early age that reflects sacrifices made and a debt of service both personal and by the character’s for-bearers. A character must take conviction to enable this. For the deity/faith they typically gain double the reward for sacred offerings, and a second level of Conviction is half cost; Characters starting with a Synergy Pool gain double the amount initially.
Cultural Lag
Cost: +1Req/Limit:
The character was raised in an isolated culture and location. They had limited interaction with the world outside a very small society or locale. Starting characters cannot possess multiple languages – those granted by species, locale, or background are removed. Until the character reaches 3rd level, all CHA based skills except Intimidate suffer Disadvantage.
Earth Faculties
Cost: -1Req/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them.
Earth symbolizes…
Fire Faculties
Cost: -1Req/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them.
fire symbolizes…
Group Bond
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Code of Conduct
Group Leadership
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Multiple Familiarity
Characters treat their CHA as a pool of points which can be leveraged to impart benefits to characters which are Group Bound. Each benefit has a cost. CHA used this way returns 1 per Short Rest or all after a Long Rest. Leadership can be used at any time, instantly. Leadership familiarity must be gained in order of their cost. Acclaimed: Automatically counter a Compulsion effect (cost 1); Revered: A use of Good Luck (cost 2) or A weapon becomes a Preferred Weapon for 1 round (cost 1); Exalted: A use of Iron Will (cost 3) or A target is treated as if they were proficient with the tool, weapon or armor they are using for a round (cost 1).
Light Armor Mastery
Cost: -4Req/Limit: Light Armor Proficiency
Making best use of limited protection: Light armor that normally has no Resilience is able to be employed as if it did. The character wearing light armor which normally provides no level of Resilience can be used once as if it did. Generally, this reduces any light armor to useless status.
Mind Beyond
Cost: -1Req/Limit: Species/Background or Supernatural*
The Mind Beyond (like the Body Beyond) property is for those who’s essence is tied deeply to The Void. It makes effects which target the mind of the possessor have little to no effect. Charm, sleep, unconsciousness, and exhaustion damage and effects all have no impact on the possessor. They have no need of physical rest/sleep in the traditional sense.
Body Beyond
Cost: -1Req/Limit: Species/Background or Supernatural*
The Body Beyond (Like the Mind Beyond) property is for those who’s essence is tied deeply to The Void. It makes effects which target the body of the possessor have little to no effect. Disease, poison, paralyzation, exhaustion, unconsciousness, and necrotic damage and effects all have no impact on the possessor. They possess no normal hunger or thirst. They have no need of physical rest/sleep in the traditional sense.
Phantasmal Presence
Cost: -1Req/Limit: Species/Background or Supernatural*
Phantasmal objects (like Ghostly) have what remains of their essence tied more to the Aether than the physical world around them. It makes effects which target them decreased in impact or negated completely. Phantasmal creatures have Resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic and thunder. They also are Resistant to non magical bludgeon, pierce, and slashing damage. They cannot be paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. Physical grappling, restraint, unconsciousness, or knocking prone all have no impact on the possessor. Sources of damage which themselves are either Ghostly or Phantasmal cause harm normally.
Ghostly Presence
Cost: -1Req/Limit: Species/Background or Supernatural*
Ghostly objects (like Phantasmal) have what remains of their essence tied more almost exclusively to the Aether than the physical world around them. It makes effects which target them severely decreased in impact or negated completely. Ghostly creatures have Immunity to non magical, and Resistance to magical acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic and thunder. They also have Immunity to non magical, and Resistance to magical bludgeon, pierce, and slashing damage. They cannot be paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. Physical grappling, restraint, unconsciousness, or knocking prone all have no impact on the possessor. Sources of damage which themselves are Ghostly cause harm normally. Phantasmal sources of damage reduce immunity to resistance, and resistance to normal effects.
Radiance Bond
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Supernatural*
The essence of the character is imbued with a direct connection to the Dreamrealms ; They have a “free” level of Exhaustion (the fist level does not impact them), gain Resistance to Radiant damage, +1 to all Persuade checks/-1 to Intimidate checks, and +1 on all healing effects to succeed and damage healed. They gain +1 on all checks against Fear/Frightened and Stun. If a character possesses Radiance Faculties, the Insight checks gain a +5 bonus. Sources of Necrotic damage do 1 extra damage. Once per Short Rest, the character can spend 1 Essence to gain a use of Wonderment or 1 use of Leadership. Possessors develop minute tell-tale signs of this trait which can be detected upon a close and detailed examination; such things include dim motes of light in the pupils, tears that dimly sparkle, and paler nails and hair. In dazzling or extreme light, they are unaffected by effects which may impair or harm their vision.
Radiance Faculties
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them. Characters can concentrate for a round, and make a DC 10 Insight check to detect sources of Radiant and Psychic energy/damage within 20m. A DC 15 Sanity check reveal if a particular creature is of Celestial origins, they may only be attempted once per creature, per level.
Shadow Bond
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Supernatural*
The essence of the character is imbued with a direct connection to the Shadowrealms; They gain [contentblock id=effect-adv1] on all Stealth checks, Resistance to Necrotic damage, -1 to all Persuade checks/+1 to Intimidate checks, and -1 on all healing effects to succeed and damage healed. They gain +1 to all resistance checks against Sleep and Charm. If a character possesses Shadow Faculties, the Insight checks gain a +5 bonus. Sources of Radiance damage do 1 extra damage. Once per Short Rest, the character can spend 1 Essence to make a single target make a Constitution check DC 15, or the target gains an additional level of Exhaustion (no more than 3 total, maximum) for 1 hour. Possessors develop minute tell-tale signs of this trait which can be detected upon a close and detailed examination; such things include dark pupils that do not react as normal, oily tears, and darker nails and hair. In dazzling or extreme light, they suffer Nearsightedness. They can see as if normal in dim light.
Shadow Faculties
Cost: -3Req/Limit: Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them. Characters can concentrate for a round, and make a DC 12 Insight check to detect sources of Necrotic and Cold energy/damage within 20m. A DC 15 Sanity check reveal if a particular creature is of Infernal origins, they may only be attempted once per creature, per level.
Shared Litany
Cost: -2Req/Limit: Multiple Familiarity
The character has deeply studied and actively participated in the traditions of the entity or organization they are bound to. They gain familiarity with Ritual and Ceremony content specific to the common traditions and practices of their involvement in their faith, and gain a +1 on all checks related to knowledge of it. Each unique entity or organization must be taken as a separate familiarity, applied to a single binding of Conviction or Group Bond. Followers of the same faith which have Shared Litany must have participated in one Rite of Passage and automatically gain an Attuned connection to any sacred places & objects of the deity/faith and each other. Characters gain a single use of Channel Divinity which returns 1/Long Rest if they do not already have one. Clerics gain the ability to use a followers use granted through Shared Litany (the cleric must be able to touch the follower to draw upon this power).
Cost: -2Req/Limit: (Character Creation Only)
The character has maximum HP at first level, and double their Constitution bonus at first level. The character is naturally tough. Toughened does not stack with other powers that grant the same bonuses.
Water Faculties
Cost: -1Req/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark
The character is able to perceive the effect of primal ___ spark and related senses in The Pattern around them.
Water symbolizes… (DMG p# )
Cost: -1 CPReq/Limit: (Character Creation Only)
The character has a certain innocence and intuitive perspective on life that allows them to be more open to attempting things outside their normal comfort and to draw upon unconscious knowledge they may have intuited or learned in passing. The character begins play with half their CHA rating in uses of Inspiration. Any skill this is applied to is treated as if the character were proficient. This must be used before they take their next level or the remainder is lost.

Foundational for capability such as Features (Skills, Traits, etc.), Meditation & Aptitudes acquired with CP or Essence.