Faith in the Steel Realms

Steel Realms
Faith in the Steel Realms of the modern age consists of a small number of divine entities, regional faiths and many sects invoking dominion over the world of Helca. The current state of faith and affairs in general on Helca/Steel Realms is a direct result of the Affray of Darkness and Light. Before this was the era of Faith on Primordial Helca. Each faith has a different level of Institutional representation depending on its Reach/Presence. Followers must obey the the covenants of their Principal’s or Unified Pantheon to ensure they remain in Good Standing with their faith This enables them to access all their capabilities derived from that bond, including Singularly Bound items of faith and a Standard Divine Reliquary. They all offer some form of Afterlife that follows some standard manifestations.

The Affray of Darkness and Light

The nature of Helca makes it a target of forces which bring conflict and a striving between the Destruction of Chaos and the Calm of Order. The “Affray of Darkness and Light” is the struggle into which everything, not just the Faith of the Steel Realms, is now pulled. It was not always so dire – the cataclysmic nature of this affray in the modern age was a result of the Coming of the Blood of Saemon and the torturous, evil, and dark nature of the Unholy Trio. Despite the efforts of vexatious Celestine and natural primordial forces, a greater set of powers (those of the Lightbringers and Grey Way) had to be brought forth to stave off the planet’s utter annihilation through direct manifestation and combat. Onto this stage its inhabitants strive within the relative stalemate of The Godspeak Accord and proxy war today. When possible, all the efforts of the Unholy Trio is focused on the Quest of Black Tears to end the stalemate.

  • The Green Church a balance with civilization and the Wyld Faith is unrestrained triump of the natural order; Aligned with these is the Faerie Faith in the Steel Realms.
  • The Church of Light represents the triumph of order and community and the taming of nature.
  • The Church of Dark represents the triumph of the individual without restraint or consequence.
  • The Celestine Ideal focuses on enlightened empowerment that strives to live in harmony with the natural order and maximize individual capability – a sort of blending of the other major ideals into a emphasize a Gestalt approach.

Characters of Faith for the Steel Realms

Regardless of the dominant sect’s domain, the deities of the Steel Realms are fluid and adapt to Followers’ perceptions to increase worship. There is likely a cult or sect that promotes or manifests many domains (even a symbolic or conceptual approach) for a divine principal.

i20™ Characters of Faith Details

Principal Domain Prime Creeds/Alignment
Aerna Life, Light, Peace Benevolent/NG
Balthazaar Life, Light, Order Benevolent/NG
Darupet Life, Nature, War Benevolent/NG
Delleth Life, Knowledge Benevolent/NG
Elancil Life, Tempest Benevolent/NG
Everdark Death, Life, Order, War Benevolent/NG
Ezrilus Life, Arcana Chaos/NG
Gaia Life, Nature, Tempest Benevolent/NG
Gloombringer Life, Trickery Benevolent/NG
Ikribu Life, Forge, Light, War Benevolent/NG
Malek Trickery Benevolent/NG
Mizras War Benevolent/NG
Mog Creoch Grave Benevolent/NG
Sun-Stealer Death, Tempest, War Benevolent/NG
Whelm Life, Light, War Benevolent/NG

iCore iCore™ Characters of Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic