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Arvban Rebellion of Bondeu

Posted on January 9, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Steel Realms Timeline Event; recorded knowledge of the Riverdan fiefdom of BondeuHistory and Tales of Bondeu > The Arvban Rebellion of Bondeu in CY 8375.

The Arvban family was a family of Dunstrandian settlers that married into one of the oldest families of Bondeu – the Cunaigh family in about CY 8100. After hundreds of years, they also married near the ruling Burren family. Palacus, son of Palacus had a daughter, Celia Arvban who became niece to the Burren family ruler – Lady Sarukê Burren (Burren had become the Gladnorian version of their last name by then). In CY 8375, the Arvban family attempted a coup, using recent Orrish incursions as a distraction. They had been found to have multiple caches of weapons and armor and were planning an armed takeover and assassination. But they were betrayed by one of their own.

Due to the fact that it was especially egregious since it was during a time of great Orrish incursions and raids, the Arvban family was ripped out, root and stem for their betrayal. Tortured by the Burren family, they took the names of any conspirators with them to their grave. Suspicions abounded everywhere, but nothing could be proven. Even the children were killed – at least painlessly and by poison was what was publicly recorded. Most of the caches of equipment were found, rumors abound of a few more yet out there. Lands and titles were confiscated and their houses and business looted and dispersed.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Rite of the Interloper’s Defiance

Posted on January 8, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Rite of the Interloper’s Defiance is a rite of the Unholy Trio/Church of Darkness that calls upon the power of the Interloper Moon to empower the followers of the dark. More specifically, the Orrish of Helca are greatly empowered. The moon itself is controlled by the Unholy Trio, who cast its light down like a beacon and can bathe an area in it at night the empowers their followers. This takes a great amount of power, and none of the trio can manifest on the planet of Helca itself, even if they should wish to violate the Godspeak Accord. If the rite fails, the followers of the gods of darkness lose Connexion powers for a fortnight, and cannot petition their gods. These rites cannot be enacted at the Time of the Cold Moon.

i20™ Interloper’s Defiance Details

Dire Outcome: The save DC and Attack bonus of the followers of the Unholy Trio are increased by 1. All Orrish gain a Resilience Reservoir of 1, resetting each sunset, assuming they are hale.

Disastrous Outcome: The save DC and Attack bonus of the followers of the Unholy Trio are increased by 2. All Orrish gain a Resilience Reservoir of 1, resetting each sunset, assuming they are hale. Stealth checks by Orrish in darkness have Advantage, and all Orrish gain +5′ movement.

iCore iCore™ Interloper’s Defiance Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Mistveil Hills of Eastern Bondeu

Posted on January 8, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Mistveil Hills are a ride of rocky crags on the eastern edge of the Riverdan of Bondeu. Fog and mist are constant, and they are full of many a small stream – though none form any river of note on the east side in Bondeu. A great aquafer is partially under them (a hallmark of the riverdan itself), but there is little in the way of arable soil though. Their west side is the boundary for Cerran’s Grant. There are no settlements in the hills themselves, but several at their base because of the streams and good soil.

There are two of the ancient Picket Keeps of the Heartlands located in the hills – both ruins now.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Picket Keeps of the Heartlands

Posted on January 8, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Picket Keeps of the Heartlands were at one time dotted all over the edges of the foothills and in some low hills across the Heartlands to watch and defend against the Orrish raids from the Dark Lands and Underlands of the Steel Realms. They were not large, and had only military significance, no economic or community centers were based on them. Most were bare bones and had no luxuries, and held less than 50 inhabitants (many less than half of that). Sheep, goat and hogs were grown for food & supplies, and a few valleys used for sparse crops – but most of its larder was imported by troops cycling through it on a monthly basis. All were near small springs, streams, or wells for a water supply. The massive Pacification Garrisons have come to take the place of the Picket Keeps of the Heartlands – the small and numerous fortified small keeps that once dotted the landscape to watch for and be a bastion against Orrish incursions.

History of Picket Keeps of the Heartlands

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Picket Keeps of the Heartlands were at one time dotted all over the edges of the foothills and in some low hills across the Heartlands to watch and defend against the Orrish raids from the Dark Lands and Underlands of the Steel Realms. They were not large, and had only military significance, no economic or community centers were based on them. Most were bare bones and had no luxuries, and held less than 50 inhabitants (many less than half of that). Sheep, goat and hogs were grown for food & supplies, and a few valleys used for sparse crops – but most of its larder was imported by troops cycling through it on a monthly basis. All were near small springs, streams, or wells for a water supply. The massive Pacification Garrisons have come to take the place of the Picket Keeps of the Heartlands – the small and numerous fortified small keeps that once dotted the landscape to watch for and be a bastion against Orrish incursions.

Over thousands of years, many were sacked, rebuilt, and sacked again – providing a sacrifice to delay the enemy and gain necessary time to organize a greater defense. Their ruins are all over the realms. Some were abandoned as the darkness grew quiet in recent times. A few are used as hold fasts by local settlements, a few captured and used by bandits and mercenaries, and a few simply taken and used as a benefit for a land claim in risky areas bordering known incursion sites.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

The Heartlands Picket Keeps don’t follow a standard footprint, but are all small and relatively remote (at least at one point). All were made from stone and lumber, with large, rough cut stones forming the base to make it harder to crack and break in fire. None of the typical ones of the heartlands were made for winter weather in particular – the hinterlands have their own style. One unique hallmark is the secure oil braziers that could light the entire inner courtyard nearly instantly if the walls were breached at night. The backs of the lips at the brazier well tops were lined with polished bronze to reflect light. Most ruins have had this valuable material scavenged.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Most were known to have some sort of a short, narrow, cramped escape tunnel for emergencies. All of them were typically sponsored by a local lord or lady as part of tithe to a higher lord.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

As part of their creation, most were laid with a deep cornerstone with artifacts from the sponsored builder. This would contain minor charms, artifacts, and trinkets – nothing terribly unique, but maybe something of religious power for the Lightbringers or Wyld Light.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.
DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Newtlings of Helca

Posted on January 7, 2025 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The newtlings are the progeny of the Draconis of the Steel Realms. The Dragon Born (now extinct), dragonnewts, dragonlings, Lizardfolk, Troglodyte, and the other minor species that once worshiped them and enhanced their power are long faded from the Helca. The lizard folk still venerate their ancient kin and are allies when needed, but most real dragons are gone from Helca.

Whip Tails vs. Weighty Tails: The violent clashes of the Lizard Folk (weighty tails) and the Troglodytes (whip tails) decimated their populations over time. When the Dragon Caves of the south were purgesd, most of both Newtlings of the realms were purged from the area. There are still a few colonies of Lizard Folk on the western shores of The Roj Sea. Otherwise they are scattered all over the realms in small communities, usually now where they can form alliances with druids. They also find salt water marshes good homes as their hardened scale or stench secretions keep the disease carrying insects at bay. These names exist as they reflect the evolution of the particular species on Helca. Their tail movements tell more about their emotions than any other part of their body:

Draconic Mystics:Both species still have a tie to their ancient Draconic heritage and leverage the Draconic spark and venerate the Ur-Dragon spirits. Their shamans can awaken the land around them, turning trees, brush, and plants into defenses and watchers. The lizard folk are far more potent in their mystic endeavors, but also less violent and aggressive.

The Whip Tails (troglodytes)

The troglodytes have a whip like thin and long tail that can do the same damage as a claw. Sometimes the more organized clans have been known to put a wooden or soft metal spike over it. These creatures are extremely hardy, existing in filthy swamps and out of the way places with murky water. They are known to employ a nasty poison made from feces and organic matter. They most often move in single file and through water to hide their numbers. The breed faster than the Weighty tails as they are less intelligent and more violent so their attrition is higher.

Combat: These creatures are known to make mud and clay towers of up to 7m tall and organize into large bands. They use stone and wood tools & weapons, rarely make armor, and employ poisons and insect swarms. They also prefer to carve out soft limestone caves in marshes and bogs. They cultivate poisonous plants and bacteria, and breed large insects – all of which keep outsiders away from their habitat and affect them not at all, due to their own stench and mucous-like coatings. They dislike fire as it dries them out, and they suffer greatly when in a dry state – much more so than their lizard folk cousins.

The Weighty Tails (lizard folk)

The lizard folk have a large alligator like tail, but it is not a weapon. It prevents people from walking directly behind them unless there is a 2m gap between them. If not, and they are not given that personal space, they cannot sustain their land movement rate. The tail is part of their balance and walking mechanisms and personal space. Usually both of the flanking spaces behind them and directly behind them. Enemies attacking them from behind, must use double movement to into these spaces to strike at them instead of the normal five, making their attacks using movement, especially in the water, difficult to make opportunities for.

Combat: Lizard folk are practiced artisans – making high quality tools and weapons from natural materials. While they have been known to refine metals, they typically dislike the heat processes to do so. They are gifted in making glues and honing edges for razor sharp weapons. They are practiced in using the blow gun and darts to get into armor from a distance, with armor piercing munitions. They are gifted botanists as well, breeding many a river, pond, or sea side plant for extraordinary flavors and sleep or paralysis toxins. They have been known to live in symbiosis with and breed giant insects – bees, wasps and the like, and keep giant snakes as guardians.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

