Posted on November 28, 2022
Fey-ha – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).
Role: The Finders of the Way (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature
Numinous Ape Spirit – “Savage One”, “Lord of Apes”; Invoked mostly as/for: Bravery, SavageryCommon Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).
Posted on November 28, 2022
Yhis’tk – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).
Role: The Finders of the Way (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature
Numinous Lizard Spirit; Invoked mostly as: Pact-Leader, The ChaserCommon Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).
Posted on November 17, 2022 in D20 iCore Skill
Swimming is a Mobility Expression reflects …
Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
[d20-check-note]Posted on November 17, 2022 in D20 iCore Skill
Running is a Mobility Expression reflects …
Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
[d20-check-note]Posted on November 17, 2022 in D20 iCore Skill
Jumping is a Mobility Expression reflects …
Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: Add the skill level + modifiers to the check ( Proficiency Bonus not used).
A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).