Posted on January 30, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Willows Edge Tea is renowned in the Heartlands, made on the north edge of West River Run. It has a chamomile type base. It is closely monitored and controlled, and a good source of income for West River Run. It is NOT SOLD OUTSIDE OF DUNSTRAND.
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Willows Edge Tea is renowned in the Heartlands, made on the north edge of West River Run. It has a chamomile type base. It is closely monitored and controlled, and a good source of income for West River Run. It is NOT SOLD OUTSIDE OF DUNSTRAND.The tea is soaked with cinnamon and rolled in oak casks with oak bark then filtered and drained. IT does not keep well over long distances, especially in the cold. There are rumors of another ingredient, but its a closely guarded secret.
The process an ingredients did escape the control of West River Run once in CY 8788, and it was tracked down and the Twin River Council forces the trade agents of Cerrans Grant to make it illegal (a violation of the Nanford Accord) to be made outside of West River Run. The Censure of CY 8789: All the ingredients, recipes, and equipment in its making was confiscated and destroyed, and its owners billed. This was in Bar-Innis in Dunstrand.
One of clandestine agents of the League of the White Lily forced a provision of “for 500 years” into the agreement for specifically selling/buying into Bar-Innis from West River Run into the provisions of censure in CY 8789. It was worded poorly and in haste and provided a loophole.
At its eastern edge of The lowlands of Bar-Innis, there’s drainage are and in the high dykes, dams, and bulwarks that a chamomile like plant grows iof nearly the same species, harvested from the burned wreckage of the Censure and developed so that the druids could declare it a separate species and not converted under the Censure. It’s not sold outside of bar-innis.
Posted on January 30, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Posted on January 25, 2025 in Steel-Realms
The The Vigilist of Mev is a ‘cult of one’ for the god Malek. There is always a follower of Malek in the city of Mev. There is no reason why, and it is considered among his few adherents, to be the “milk run” in service to the god, but nothing happens. Only those with Astrology that can look for signs, are allowed to perform this task, and it is for three years at a time only, and then they are sent far away. While House Malor has learned of this a long time ago, they have no way of tracking this follower or knowing who they are. Given that their presence has seemingly not had influence, it has faded to an obscure footnote in their interests in Mev and watching the Guild of Solars scrivener’s house to make sure they do not overstep. The Vigilist of Malek in Mev waits for a sign – not knowing why the area is important. At one point, the Vigilist was in Braddon Bog for as far back as can be remembered, but they were killed in the CY 9130’s, swept up in a set of events in which many in the village died. Their body had to be found and dug up to get the token back. Since then, the Vigilist has been in Mev, with enough of a stipend to live comfortably and devout all their time to watching. They are a laborer, scribe, and whatever else gig job they can get, always using disguises.
Their charge is but one: Kill anyone seeking to embrace Malek or draw upon his power. There must be no attention to Malek in the area.
Lock of Shialines Hair: This token is passed from Vigilist to Vigilist.Posted on January 18, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Equipment Kits of the Steel Realms follow stard guidelines of Items in the Steel Realms and standard Kits.
Posted on January 16, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Draddel is a Places, Locales and Features of Glois, being the capital of the Riverdan of Glois.