Posted on February 24, 2025 in Steel-Realms
The Tower of the Eagle is the home of the occult order of the Lily Theurgists. It sits high up on Raintop Peak of the Triple Peaks region of the Riverdan of Monaides that marks the division of it and the Riverdan of Glois and the border of the Earldom of Bar-Innis to the west. Little is known of this newly founded order or how the Tower was built other than the 70′ tall tower appeared in CY 9159 under the control of a human magus named Elosar Farseer and his retinue.
Raintop Peak is the tallest of the three peaks, and the Tower of the Eagle is built on one of the two crags that are its highest points.
It is a marvel to behold, a tower who’s outer wall is a bronze color baked into the mortar and stone somehow. From its peak, a view of hundreds of square miles unfolds in all directions. There is a narrow winding road that takes more than a day that leads to it… but rumors say there is a secret underground pathway with more direct access.
The Lily Theurgists order is a new one, small and has a relatively simple set of ranks and functions.
Posted on February 24, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Raintop Peak is one of the three mountain peaks of the Triple Peaks region of the Riverdan of Monaides that marks the division of it and the Riverdan of Glois and the border of the Earldom of Bar-Innis to the west.
Raintop Peak is the tallest of the three peaks, and there are not civil settlements in the craggy area.
Posted on February 24, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Triple Peaks is a region of the Riverdan of Monaides that marks the division of it and the Riverdan of Glois and the border of the Earldom of Bar-Innis to the west.
Posted on February 22, 2025 in Steel-Realms
These foul creatures are constantly giving birth to horrific degenerate off-spawn in clutches of 2-5 every 4 months. About half are good enough to join the regular ranks of off-sapwn, but the others are so degenerate and small as to be near useless. However, These are sentient enough to be used as a powerful blood sacrifice. These “off-grubs” are often used to enact the gruesome powers the Unholy Trio have empowered their followers with.
Posted on February 22, 2025 in Steel-Realms
The order currently has only a single known item associated with the order of the Lily Theurgists.
All Masters, Magi, and Apprentices of the order will have one of these staffs. They only work for those they are bound to, and cannot be used by others. It is known to essentially function as a sentry and to allow some form of limited flight for those that can use it. The staff is topped by a bronze symbol of the order – the bronze eagle. Witnesses report that its powers have been used against Orrish raiders, causing them to attack each other.
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