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Natural Athlete

Posted on January 2, 2025 in Feature Mystic

FREE ACTION: A Natural Athlete can use their Free Action to make a Perception check to spot any difficulties in performing physical athletic activities, instead of requiring a full action. This allows them to see if a rock is loose, a landing spot unsafe, or a rotten branch ready to give way. They can move and do this at the same time as long as they have no impediments to their senses.

i20™ Natural Athlete Details

Natural athlete is just advantage on all mobility checks

iCore iCore™ Natural Athlete Details

Natural Explorer

Posted on December 17, 2024

Natural Explorer

Unless noted, the benefits of Natural Explorer apply to and operate within Natural Habitats only.


FREE ACTION: The Natural Explorer may use their Free Action to make a Perception check to spot any irregularities – dangerous paths, out of place features, or difficulties in the environment they are viewing. This is done instinctively instead of taking a full action.

  1. Although you do not need it, you are aware of the common (non-mystical) technology within your frame of reference that assists in wayfinding and safe travel and where to get it should you wish, and can plot out the fastest path using them.
  2. You have an ingrained sense of wayfinding – you remember all roads and pathways, weather, climate, and terrain you have traveled in assessing most efficient travel paths.
  3. Efficient Travel: You gain the Trail Blazer capability.

  4. You remain normally alert to dangers in the natural environment while traveling even when engaged in another activity such as Foraging, navigating, or Tracking.
  5. If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal walking (primary locomotion) movement rate unless your size, physiology, and/or habitat makes you obvious.
  6. Efficient Foraging: If you dedicate an entire Short Rest Cycle to Foraging, you can forage a small number of subsistence meals for a number of similarly sized characters.
  7. In any natural habitat, and for all natural creatures you gain Advantage when Tracking.
  8. In any habitat, you gain +1 on any communication check if you can observe the pack, tribe, herd, culture and/or society of those you are trying to communicate with, using subtle elements.
  9. When Unfettered and unimpeded, your normal locomotive movement rate is equal to your best of the movement rates of any mobility skills you are proficient in.

i20™ Natural Explorer Details

  • Efficient Travel: A number of other characters equal to your character level + Wisdom modifier.
  • Efficient Foraging: A number of characters equal to your character level + Wisdom modifier.

iCore iCore™ Natural Explorer Details

This is one of a multitude of “Natural Potential” features. The character gains a +1 on all activities related to surviving, travel, exploration, and mobility in a Favored Habitat.

Natural Warrior

Posted on December 8, 2022

This is one of a multitude of “Natural Potential” features.

FREE ACTION: A Natural warrior may stow, drop (safely), and draw a weapon each 1/round without it counting as any other Free Action uses.


Natural Scholar

Posted on December 8, 2022

This is one of a multitude of “Natural Potential” features.

A Natural Scholar will be conversationally literate in any language they know at Character Inception and any they pick up through experience – it is a just an innate part of how they practice communication and knowledge… through the recording. storage, and use.

FREE ACTION: A Natural Scholar can use a Free Action in a round to gain an insightful inscription – removing any single Disadvantage in the process as long as its used during the entire copy/translate process.


Natural Rider

Posted on December 8, 2022

This draws on the Animal Handling feature, with which they gain a +1 to all checks on and are considered proficient.

Accomplished Options: The character chooses three different mounts to Ride which are an Accomplished Activity.

This is one of a multitude of “Natural Potential” features.

FREE ACTION: Using 10′ of movement, a Natural Rider may perform a vaulted mounting – they leap and automatically succeed in landing stable upon their mount and and in control – grabbing any steering mechanisms or or activating communication modules that the mount uses.
