Posted on February 13, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Wormtaint is a vital piece of supplemental information for the Orrish of Helca. The blood worm pits of the Orrish are typically next to the shrine room/cavern of the Unholy Trio within the common Basic Orrish Cave Settlement.
The shrine’s black aura is the catalyst of the foul mystic transformations. The shamans use defiled waters and all the foulness they can scrape up (literally) to create a paste that leaves a permanent residue (often seen on the hands of trap masters and priests) most commonly referred to as Wormtaint.
A Wormtaint Warren is commonly made in a deep and covered warren within the settlement. There are fumes that stay down in the deep pit, safe for those workers that have the taint to breathe, but even the Orrish will writhe in agony as the fumes scar the lungs and cause respiratory bleeding.
This empowers various living creatures to give birth to horrid off-spawn and transforms equipment and when ingested creates a rapturous resolve in the ingester if they are Orrish, Wormtaint is not for the common Orrish. Its effects are concentrated in the hands of the elite – shamans, priests, trap masters, darklings, and champions. The permanent residue upon the hands of a Orrish priest of the Church of Darkness allows them to handle and work with many items and materials of foulness that normally would kill those in such close proximity to the raw work.
Posted on February 12, 2025 in Steel-Realms
The Blood Vurms were originally created by Gorvyrm, Master of the Blood Vurms. Some of their stock was once stolen from the The Fields of Blood by the Orrish to create their Bloodworms pits.
Posted on February 12, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Almost every settlement of the Orrish of Helca started off as a Basic Orrish Cave Settlement. These are one of the many Cave Complexes of the Dark Lands and are a big part of the Geological Features of the Dark Lands. These are set up by the Orrish Fighting Forces once they have a foothold.
It is a twisted set of paths that is designed for Ork sized travelers – and a bit wider. Even if it is solely for goblins and the smaller Orrish, it will have a reception/meeting area sized for larger Orrish and smaller warrens further in.
Common Features: In it, they set traps, plant cave mana and other fungi, a shrine to the unholy trio, an armory with geoxyles (subterranean tree – grows in the darklight of the shrine), a Bloodworm pit, a refuse pit (usually with Rock Worm off-spawn) and several other “rooms”. This is preparation for bringing in forces to start raiding in the area. An Orrish Trap Master and several logistics oriented (usually Goblins) squads work the area – usually with a complement of female and young workers.
Stones, flint, obsidian, etc. is worked in these places with a settlement to fashion Orrishish Weaponry of the Steel Realms. Hanging here you will also find sinew and skins used to cover and bind pieces together. In the Dark Lands, most are made from off-spawn and goblins. A raider base will use the body parts of captives – humans, elves, etc.
Posted on February 12, 2025 in Steel-Realms
Orrish Fighting Forces are generally pretty common. What they might not have in power, they make up for in numbers and cleverness. The Orrish of Helca are not typical of the other Orrish of the iVerse. They come in several varieties of off or mixed ancestry. Most dwell in the Dark Lands. The fighting forces all use the common Orrish Weaponry of the Steel Realms.
How do Orrish forces get to the Lands of Light? Off-spawn usually led by a darkling priest of the unholy trio – these have some resistance to the sun bane. They scout out an area my difficult overland means or mystical means.
What do the Orrish use for tactical communication? Many Orrish are multilingual, speaking both Orrisha and Nurthish. Nurthish allows them to communicate within their own ranks and their allies in a language not commonly understood or taught outside The Dark Lands and Nurth communities in the Underlands.
Where Spiders of Go-Zen are present, you will find Nurth Spider Riders.
Crude Weapons: stone club + war dart + hand ax + dagger (d4;2/4/8), stone mace (d6;3/6/12), slings w/stones (d3;2/3/6)
Dark-Spawn Loot/Goods: The selling of Orrish made goods/loot outside the Dark Lands has serious issues, and often the best value is 10% of normal.
Posted on February 12, 2025 in Steel-Realms
The Orrish of Helca are not typical of the other Orrish of the iVerse. They come in several varieties of off or mixed ancestry. Most dwell in the Dark Lands.