Everdark’s Return/Goblins on the March (WORKING)

Orrish Goblin

Background Information

Read the Steel Realms character intro tab: Foe.

Who: Goblins of the Dark Lands

What: They are raiding civilized lands. First for food, then for metal, then for slaves.

Where: The eastern lands of the Barony of Crestwold.

When: [What was the rough date, season, or time stream the background events and activities took place in.]


What the Characters Know

  • Common Knowledge: Orrish Bounty
  • Uncommon Knowledge: What checks are required?
  • Hidden Knowledge: What is completely unknown to the players (and perhaps to the NPC’s!).

Fitting into Existing Campaign

Part 1: Goblins in the East of Crestwold


The herald to the Baron comes directly to see you. He has a pair of guards, and looks concerned. “Along with everything happening lately, we have kept the news of what I am about to tell you secret. You know Goblin raids are happening in the east of Crestwold for months. They are probably coming up from the swamp in using Calibans Slurry to travel deep into the territory (not true – roots in Loamwold). Its been infrequent, and probing – it seems – at first. They hit three farms over the course of 2 months, but mostly seemed concerned with raiding for goods and not murder. Then, two weeks ago, it took a turn for the worse. Three farms and travelers on the road. And so far, there are only a few survivors. They are staying at the Inn at Bent Willow Cross in the eastern edge of the Barony. I am on my way there, but truth be told I am needed elsewhere and I invoke the Baron’s right to call on The Gallants to solve this and hit them hard so that they never come back. This is not a request. The survivors are waiting to be interviewed – I am sending Joseph Ellis, one of my scribes and assistant, with you.” With that, he looks at you expectantly.

In the new attacks, they came at night (typical)
No warning (Nature check; they were down wind); killed the watchdogs
There were rats! (typical)
Infected wounds (typical)
Killed livestock and burned crops
It’s about 4-5 nights in between sightings (DC 10 = probably food store based)

Getting There – Traveling East

Farm #1

Farm #2

Farm #3

Farm #4

Inspect farms along the way: all the metal is missing – they took and they were sloppy = surviving goat, chickens, etc. – metal is more important
There’s 8 more farms that want to abandon their lands and bring all to the fortified inn at the crossroads…

Setting an Ambush

The party can use one as an ambush site but if they don’t buy a dog, it will be suspicious to the goblins.

Section on what you need to know about Orrish= boogeyman. Universal foe – they want the end and the long night

Anger at Dwindor Goblins

Baron’s herald’s assistant who says “They are probably in league with whatever is prowling the skies! We need to call for aid from the Duke NOW!”

Baron’s herald who says “we’ve put up for too long their presence in the swamp; we must kill them, no mercy and no pity. Once these raiders are stamped out, the duke will be petitioned to get the gallants or others to attack the orrish in the swamp.

Tracking the Eastern Goblins to The Saelish

Note: no Black Heralds in the swamp in a thousand years; if party tracks, they can find lair, w/metal, and 3 days to backtrack to Loamwold/Saelish hills. Can convince halflings (nearby den or traders at the inn – only half day linear travel) to send scouts – they will report back on earthen cave tracks with stench. 4 more goblins waiting, lazy, easily killed while we danced! Collapsed the tunnel with bronzemen help. The cave could have held 40 goblins, so there may be another party of raiders out there. If PCs do it, there are three pet piercers guarding the entrance. Say bree yark and avoid surprise drops. This is new – never heard of this before. They don’t sleep, perfect guardians. Sounds like a glad trash bag full of soup hitting the ground. Halfling won’t report – they think it’s normal.
12 Goblin of the Steel Realms, 1 spider of go-zen (giant wolf spider), 1 goblin piper (rat swarm), 4 giant rats, spider keeper (scarecrow stats; bundled in thatch and rags is swarm of spiders that attacks killer of spider keeper)
Tactics: Spider goes to kill dog sentries; piper is too high pitch – if dog is dead nothing but rats can hear
All goblins rush the farmhouse, break a window or door and use the rat swarm to flush out the inhabitants. Throw a lit oil flask near the front for the illuminated fight zone.
If there is a back door they light the symbol of everdark using black smoky oil on ground to cause them to flee out main entrance
They have a sled to pile metal on. Their last burrow only hour away has a few stolen metal farm implements
Spiders of go-zen not seen in any major force in a hundred years. Druids of the Grey Woods infected them (keepers) and they brought it back to wherever they breed them; not seen now for a hundred years really
Orrish are scavengers

Black Herald;
Goblins have 1 less int, higher wisdom (12?); survival built for, following orders
Metal gathering
Lookout for moving large (50*) orrish overland (scout)
Scouting pre mass raid
Leading assassination band
Leading attempt to steal something

Investigation check to realize this was purposeful raiding – metal raid only? Other? black herald presence
Raiders #0
Advance group hits a farm near ___ then the villa. The orchards burned and the villa partially. The mercs held out in the basement until relief. 7 riders from the north came in about 3am, attacking the goblins and killing a dozen and driving the rest off
= mary

Raiders Band #2
Tried to raid umbak, got an ass kicked. Come from the south with some Umbakian goods. From 24 down to 7 desperate goblins, 2 keepers, no spiders. They stumble across the one-claw invitation Orrish of Dwindor: no dark masters, no dark ways, only comfort of cool night sky; shed the yoke. Seek the gallants.
1 will seek them out, surrender, tell the party he and 2 others want to join the tribe of one claw in dwindor and give up their allegiance. 4 others and keepers will have to be killed.

Why now?
Agents reports finally got back to dark masters and they decided with the war, it’s time to take advantage. Bella sent intelligence to them as well – giant rat with a message in orrish, written in blood ink (orrish can smell this – so can grollen)
“The weakness in Crestwold ripens. War season is here. We will work to terrorize and you distract. The swamp servants have a stone house south of ___. Send a band to attack, we are commencing our attacks already.”
A few patrols have disappeared in eastern Crestwold, thought to be bandits. Patrols back up to 2=3 man ones.

Goblins typically carry a canvas tarp, some sticks, and a wood or stone shovel. They make small burrows and huddle together for warmth during the day. The spiders of gozen make a mask that covers their scent, though often the freshly tilled earth gives them away sometimes.
In Fahyl, they breed special hounds (Night Trackers) that can track orrish and can distinguish them by type. They have a special bay and bark. They are taught to hide, and use shadows, not to get overexcited. These are Rust Hounds of ___ for their color.
Cost = 1 cost portion
Squib, bib, ib = 3 titles by what they carry – captives often give this as their name as their real name usually provokes a violent reaction in their guttural tongue. Humanoids just think they are common names.

Part 2: Orrish Assault on Torrelson’s Ford

Night Raid
Goblin war drums for 3 nights, moving to different spots. Makes it seem like the town is surrounded. The keep is locked tight, but about 20 soldiers have expanded the watch temporarily and are coordinating a defense. Through the night, goblins launch arrows, 1 on d6 one person gets hit. Won’t kill but infection sets in.
2nd night: baby is kidnapped/goes missing
4th night 3 goblin archers light a few buildings on fire at sundown – nothing burned down (small arrows, most go out when they hit). More random arrows.
1 on d6 fire near PCs: save people or bucket brigade
5th night attack bella – 6 goblins shoot and scoot fire arrows east side of town, 2 range as scouts, 16 attack bella’s enclosure; priest .
Party there: Bella will let the party take the brunt. She will kill a few with Witch Bolt and cast Light
Party absent: animals go to her defense – most are killed; she unleashes with breath weapon and spells; hut is burned but chest untouched.
Not swamp goblins, but everyone assumes so. These goblins have no known tribal marking though = new threat. Elancil nominal ally of darkness, maybe they gave her forces a boost?
Party raid: If they attempt to attack the goblins, they will find where the drum was set up, but tracks are obscured well. Dc 20 to find where the three groups returned together and found refuge in blaylons cave. Climb up the cliff face.
If its day, Elancil sends a thunder crack to wake the goblins, and a swarm of seagulls (crows) on those climbing up in the day.
Traps: rock fall just inside main cave mouth 5×15 (2d6/7); triggered by priest unravel
Rocks: d6/3; 4 at the ready, about 30’/halfway to first cave
First cave: [60’ up] 8 goblins
Second (main) cave: [170’] 25 goblins toal; 24 + priest
3 small war drums (3r = adv on saves vs. fear)
1 goblin [war] priest of everdark 3rd: 18 hp, AC: 16 (shield+ hide+dex); stone ax (d6/3)
C: unravel (traps), extinguish, sacred darkness
1: [4] dark [fog] cloud, bane, inflict wounds
2: [2] darkness, blindness
All goblins have self bows of wood and horn (d4/2)+2, stone axe (d6/3); dc 6 constitution or infected in 1 short rest for 1 exhaustion and half healing until long rest.
2 goblin razor heels: 2 obsidian daggers; acrobatics dc 15 in combat to get advantage to counter disadvantage on attack on leg of enemy. If success, -5’ movement if major hit till Long Rest

Key Characters

Joseph Ellis

A scribe and an assistant to the baron’s herald.

Motivations: To record and send back all evidence of what is going on.

> Aversion(s) > Fighting, getting hurt.

GEAR: scribes kit, knife, pack w/3 days clothes