Lores (Knowledge)

[ Impact ] > Positive
Lores are Bodies of Knowledge the represent a scope or familiarity with the specific subject that affects skills, traits, features, and powers that are related to it. It is organized to reflect Learning and Knowledge (sources of knowledge will generally use Lores); It does not expand or improve significantly over time with life experience – focused study or formal education can acquire and improve it. Some specific Lores can be contextual (ex: Lore – Nanotechnology will span its use in Physics, Biology, and Chemistry – though give little in the way of direct applied science knowledge of those [skills]). The Obsessive Student feature grants a deep uptake on Lores.

Knowledge of some specific topic/subject and its associated events, important figures, implements, and cultural references relevant to the setting which may apply to multiple skills; No deep understanding is necessarily implied, without related capability. Lore uses the 5 levels of Learning (primitive, rudimentary, understandable, conversational, accomplished) to denote competency, the character gains a +2 on related checks per level. The common knowledge gained by any proficient skill practitioner can easily be gained by questions and study of recorded information. This can be as wide or narrow an application as applicable. To know about gambling and games, it would be Lore: Gaming, to know about the ancient culture of Rome, it would be Lore: Roman History, etc. Accomplished character develops a total understanding of the point-of-views and perspectives involved, any conversational equivalent knowledge would be automatically assumed to be known without a check.

Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools. With a common frame of reference, multiple specific Lores can stack.

Common Requirements

Only a single measure of Lore can be gained at a time. Add 2 Measure to time/cost calculations if initially acquiring the first measure and usually need a Primer reference work.

  • Advanced concepts that leverage this knowledge require progressively more advanced communication/expression skills; This Requires Study + A Measure of Understanding = Lore Measure.
  • Significant time to acquire/achieve outside of Character Inception.
    Time: Time Block is 1 week (or equiv.) of dedicated and intense self study; 1 Time Block x Measure of Lore learned. All study must be done while Hale or it takes double the time without some intervening effect.
  • Assuming facilities, tools, and source materials are not owned.
    > 50% Cost Portion x Lore Measure learned.

Gaining Lores from Game Immersion

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.

Rudimentary Apprehension: They reflect a very small bit of knowledge of a particular subject detail, person, a particular time and/or a particular place. These are often acquired through casual in-game experience as Rewards. The Game Master, Setting, and/or story elements will determine what is relevant and/or appropriate. Typically its a gain of the pervasive knowledge.

i20™ Lore Details

i20 [specific] Requirements: / Major Cost using Character Points from CP Pool (each component of the Lore purchased separately, see hereafter)

Lores have a unique implementation for i20 – THEY ARE NOT SKILLS. Normally, most lores are informational only and have only a “knowing” component (typically an Intelligence based skill). A Lore that has an associated i20 Tool proficiency has 2 components with separate measures: “knowing” (discuss, assess, recognize, elucidate, predict, extrapolate) and “making” (make, safely dispose/destroy, replicate, fix, manufacture en masse, discover new formulae/process). Making can never be higher than Knowing. Making can never produce an item requiring a DC more than 1 level higher than their Knowing measure. Example: Lore: Poison (Know 2/Make 1)

Measure of Understanding/Grasp of Knowledge

  1. (+)1 Lore | [i20] DC 5 / Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty
  2. (+)2 Lore | [i20] DC 10 / Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty
  3. (+)4 Lore | [i20] DC 15 / Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty
  4. (+)6 Lore | [i20] DC 20 / Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty
  5. (+)8 Lore | [i20] DC 25 / Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty
  6. (+)10 Lore | [i20] DC 30 / Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

——————————– Outcome Resolution ——————————–

Lore with Proficient Feature/Skill/Trait/etc. > Any Declared DC vs Check + Proficiency Bonus + Attribute adjustment + Lore Measure adjustment.

Lore Only > Declared DC cannot exceed Max. DC by Lore (Know) Measure vs. Check + Attribute adjustment + Lore Measure adjustment.

iCore iCore™ Lore Details

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost Character Points from CP Pool

iCore Text

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.

Lesser Lores/Examples

These are generally self explanatory and do not require in depth explanation.

The building of a body of knowledge, a Lore, is generally logical and structured (epistemological approach) but also filtered through the understanding and perspectives bound to the current time/place. The limits of technology, other foundational bodies, religion and social custom can fill it with misapprehensions through specific interpretations and implementations by institutions, mentors, and teachers that are in turn part of an education/curriculum.