This divine rite cleanses the petitioner in the eyes of the faith/Principal, and welcomes them into the fold of the followers in a Sanctified state of Grace. The Rite is typically proceeded by a time (usually no more than a day) of fasting, observance, and a small offering. Typically, there will be a Sponsor to the character’s journey and entry into the faith.
Common Requirements: Absent any Transgressions not Atoned for; Under Censure, or Forsworn on any Vows; Shared Litany (Good Standing) for the faith/Divine Principal
[Example] The rite lasts for a few minutes or more, there are ritualized chants, a question or two with standard responses for those seeking the path of the faith/Principal and an acknowledgement to abide by the basic tenets and causes of the faith expressed in it’s Shared Litany. Some voice speaks with authority – be it intonations from a sacred scripture read by the petitioner, sponsor or a representative with personal or institutional authority.
There are several d20 classes which can possibly use Divine Aptitude and participate in passage Rites.
The there is no Rite of Zealotry, it counts as the highest State of Grace one can have in relation of a Divine Principal ; Though Agent may be greater in Divine Command (voice of authority), they are not necessarily all Zealots.