Places of Pranin Moorswood

Steel Realms

There are many places in the vast Pranin Moorswood. Sabin Bay, along with the Pranin Moorswood and Wonald Delata, are claimed as territories under the watch and sanction of the Druids of Pranin – the druidhold of Moordaeth in the Duchy of Dunstrand. The Wonald Delta and the south fork of the Murchart River are part of it, but not according to the baron of Crestwold. Sabin Bay is claimed by the druids as well, and due to its treacherous water, few dispute it – though it is contested by the Baron of Crestwold when it suits them.

The trees blot out most direct light. Sinkholes and slurries constantly shift, the ground seems to suck at your feet. Tree roots bulge out of the ground, seeming to reach out to trip you. The din of insects is ever present and predators lurk everywhere, masking anything that might alert you to a predator. Making your way is perilous enough, but you are slowed and confounded at every turn.

Travel: Approved trails and paths exist for logging, and are safe (no encountered), and can accommodate mounts and transport. In the rainy seasons, it is muddy, but still safe.

The Wandering: Once the Deepwold is entered, all sense of direction of non native dwellers is lost. A feeling known as “desconsole” enters the mind, cloudy perceptions. Those affected move slightly slower (in addition to the difficult terrain) and move in a random direction, thinking its correct. This causes frequent arguments in groups when it is different for them all. Every few hours, something will be encountered.

Northern Edgewood – “The Serpents Teeth”

This is where the humans do their controlled logging. The north and south edgewoods grow fast at night (a affect of the Druids), causing all manner of strange sounds.

Southern Edgewood

This is where the halflings, when they rarely log the area for the particular wood, do their work. Most often, they lease it to humans seasonally. The north and south edgewoods grow fast at night (a affect of the Druids), causing all manner of strange sounds.


Some pine acacia, diamond willow, and mangrove trees grow here. It is rumored that lizard folk reside here. The Hoolip Coast is known to be inhabited, or at least fished and hunted. There is a path along the coast that leads to Sabin Bay, and from there to the safe Moorland Cut that allows boats to enter the north fork of the Murchart River where easterly winds help shallow draft boats tack up the river to Torrelsons Ford.

Deepwold – “The Serpents Scales”

Named so far the dense, broad, old growth trees here along with large willows. Few go here for fear of the reputation of the true druids of Pranin. There is a established means of contacted the lesser druids of the Briarwood, but the true druids are known to be militant and unforgiving. Although the rough location of the Briarwood is known, the wandering effects of the Deepwold make it difficult to simply travel to directly. Many travelers are never heard from again.

Vipers Fangs (Pass)

This is a tangled path that leads into the dense woods of Loamwold.

i20™ The Wandering Details

i20 [specific] Requirements:

Thw Wandering effects: DC 15 Sanity check or -5 movement

iCore iCore™ The Wandering Details

iCore [specific] Requirements:

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic