Pranin Deepwold/Cold Eye Druidhold (“Serpents Scales”)

Steel Realms

This area isplace of note within the Pranin Moorswood in the Barony of Crestwold of Dunstrand. The dense deep woods have no obvious paths (any cut get overgrown overnight), but the Briarwood will be found eventually if you are seeking it. The forest is dense, there is no easy road. Wagons and carts need to be lead, and get stuck often. The ‘scales’ reference is to the wide trunked trees that grow in the forest, compared to the “teeth” of the edgewoods. There are many broad, old growth trees here along with large willows. It is easy to get lost here; The woods seem to lead travelers astray.

You stare into the dense foliage of The Deepwold. It is foreboding to say the least. There are no game trails or footpaths. The trees blot out most direct light. The Deepwold sits in a slight depression – there is constant mud, fog, puddles, and foliage everywhere. Sinkholes and slurries constantly shift, the ground seems to suck at your feet. Roots of all sorts bulge out of the ground, seeming to reach out to trip you or seek to twist your ankle. There is a constant buzz of insects and birds, and a myriad of small creatures are constantly moving – nothing seems perturbed by your presence at all. Everything hides predators and toxins to make your life miserable. Thunder rumbles in the west, and a cold wind blows from that direction. Dark clouds and high winds move high up, like sheep jostling each other in a flock as if a wolf is stalking them. You could swear that multiple glaring eyes stare down at you and then are obscured. The clouds drop tendrils of mist into the forest around you kilometers away. Making your way is perilous enough, but you are slowed and confounded at every turn by what appears to be a concerted effort of nature itself.

Cold Eye – Druidhold of Moordaeth

A lake with an island in the middle. The Davrosian home in the heart of the druidhold. Getting to it is impossible without knowledge of and permission of the Davrosians. It is a rumored place of great power, though the circle of three there prefers to keep the facts hidden – even from other druids. The island is about 100m x 75m (dolmen circle takes up a 10×10 area), mostly flat, with an ancient dolmen at its center. This is the first place consecrated by the druids in the area, and where they leave their dead to turn to dust. The spirits of the dead druids whisper their secrets here, it is a place of refuge and power of the druids of Pranin Moorswood. Its destruction would rob them of a great deal of power.

Mossbane Pond – a shallow, large lake that connects many streams to the sea and is a primary scrying point for the druids. It is a hub from which the druids monitor the waters of the western moorswood.

The Moordaeth – Davrosian Circle

The Davrosian druids of the Moorswood are lead by a mysterious figure, known as The Moordaeth, and is essentially the most powerful of all the followers of Ssisslenn, the serpent father and warden of the clutch. Regardless of who occupies the seat of high druid of the Pranin Moorswood, the head of the Davrosian order there takes this title. They are to be addressed as “Good Mordaeth”, the full title is “The Good Moordaeth of Pranin, Keeper of the Stone Circle, protector of the Wood, Stream, and Shore.” Always the Moordaeth is the one to confront intruders and deals directly with the outside world. The others are merely The Watchers of Pranin and perform the upkeep and more mundane tasks. Their influence extends into the forests of Loamwold as well, though only as a secondary place where they are mostly observers and advisors, and not the protectors.

The Stone Circle: Comprised of The Seven Brothers – 7 standing stones, with Ssisslenn’s Arch (as it is called now) in the middle. The ancient stone circle is also called “the eye” as it is a powerful scrying device and means into the spirit world. The circle sits on and is made of the ruins of a Bronzemen Megalith which was used to focus wind and sky energy.

Briarwood of Moorthorne

In addition to the high druid, there are five other druids in the Moorswood Briarwood. Each of them has an attendant of either human, elf, or half elf. Each has a faithful watcher – a natural creature that always follows them. The Briarwood is a dark, dank place, deep in the heart of the Moorswood. Sacrifices are made here, and a green fire burns most nights, and the smell of wet moss hangs over the entire area. There is always attendant druids here, with assistants. Exotic flowers, some foodstuffs, and a spring of pure water are features of this place. Those few who have stayed the night speak of an uncomfortable experience.

Seeking: The Briarwood can be arrived at for those with genuine seeking. This is a found pathway, its actually several paths each marked with a snake’s head like trail head (The Serpents Maw – the same name for each of them) and a winding path with lots of ambush spots.

Adventures in the Locale

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic