North Pranin Edgewwod (“Serpents Teeth”)

Steel Realms

This area is place of note within the Pranin Moorswood in the Barony of Crestwold of Dunstrand. This area is given to the inhabtants of Creswold to log. The deal is made under the auspices of the baron. He is given first opportunity to enforce and correct violations. The “teeth” of its name are the thin, newly growing trees sticking up as the magic of the druids causes their accelerated growth as fast as they can be harvested.

Northwinde Road: This is an animal friendly trail for moving between and hauling logs from the logging camps. It takes about 3 days to traverse at a normal clip, 4 to 5 if going slow or inclement weather. The road is safe (no encounters), and can accommodate any mount and/or transport.

  1. Logging Camp + General Store
  2. Logging Camp
  3. Logging Camp
  4. Steading
  5. Logging Camp
  6. Steading
  7. Logging Camp
  8. Logging Camp
  9. Logging Camp

Westwinde Trail: This trail is known as a changing trail, winding through the woods to the briarwood. Its initial section leads to a trail head that allows loggers from the north into the south in summer and fall, but that leg closes in winter and spring.

Logging Camps:

Settlements: A couple camps are permanent logging settlements, family operated with perpetual rights from the baron. A general store trade post is on the settlement nearest Torrelsons Ford.

Serpent’s Tail (trail end) – The logging agreement with Crestwold written into a large wood round as long as it shall weather, the agreement is good. When it crumbles (about once a decade), a new agreement must be made.

Adventures in the Locale

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic