
Settings are a specific galaxy, system, world, or area that is part of the iVerse.

Steel Realms
The Steel Realms
– Premier Setting of the iVerse!

A dark fantasy world isolated within an advanced vast Galactic Imperium where the world is constantly beset by cataclysms as forces of dark and light, chaos and order vie for supremacy of world that is alive and a power unto itself. The Steel Realms is the most developed setting in the iVerse.

Setting Types

  • Contemporary: Alternate timeline of a continuum
  • Fantasy: Often High Fantasy can be through a filter of dark and horrific themes, or Gritty Realism
  • Modern:
  • Historical:
  • Futuristic:
Environmental Physical Conditions
Climate Terrain Ground Pressure
Arctic Aquatic Barren Zero-Gravity
Arid Coastal Forest Surface Water
Temperate Lowland Grassland Benthic
Tropical Mountain Jungle Elevated

Mundane physical conditions of an environment have an effect on many aspects of the game. A character’s familiarity with the three facets making up the base physical conditions can impact any ability which relies on them The sheer diversity of these indicates a broad spectrum of familiarity. In addition to the mundane environments, there exist many places in the multiverse (such as the realms of Radiance, Shadow, and the like).