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Bloodbreaker (Nakrian experience)

Posted on November 9, 2022 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The characters of the savage tribes of Nakria have many options, including their own form of berserkers who worship the Celestial Damon-amon-ta, and the true tribes of the south that have strong Merovin blood in them. The Bloodbreakers worship the fury, chaos, and might of the Star-Child Damon-amon-ta.

Incarna d20™ Nakrian Characters Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

[Barbarian] Blood-Berserkers of Damon-amon-ta

Divine Principle: Damon-amon-ta; Sacrifice 2 Essence

Observances: Glory in battle! Glory in war! Success in war! Always escalate violence! Victory at any cost! (Only a powerful authority may counteract this last principle.)

These followers MUST all take the Soldier background, but instead of Gaming Kit, they have a Sacred War Paint kit they have proficiency in. Nakrian are all humans, the Blood Berserkers cannot be Merovin as their first level Feat must be Fighting Initiate (Must be ‘Dueling‘ for +2 damage). These follow the standard Barbarian path of the Berserker, but have the following benefits:

  • DC 10 = +1 to charisma checks
  • DC 12 = +2 Intimidation

    If he has an amount of time = Short Rest, he can automatically decorate a number of individuals = Proficiency Bonus to get +2 Intimidation for 2 days (before the paint begins to smudge). Each character takes 2 uses.

  • Augmented: DC 13 Intelligence (Religion); [2 uses when unarmored – full body] Calls down the skill of Damon-amon-ta: No penalty to initiative for the Khopesh for next encounter
  • Augmented: DC 16 Intelligence (Religion); [4 uses when unarmored – full body] Calls down the onus of Damon-amon-ta: skill effect & +1 attack with the Khopesh for next encounter

iCore Nakrian Characters Details/Mechanics

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Cultural Experience of Gaernia

Posted on November 8, 2022 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
GAERNA: Human only > Attribute: +1 VGR; Gaernian Upbringing

> Mannerisms: Loyalty to the state before all others, for it supports the framework of power through order. Personal power is pursued by any means possible. The limits of caste are strictly obeyed. The religion of Gaerna is simple and followed by all initially – “honor thy mother (Elancil) and thy father (Djerduth)”. All non-humans are veiwed with hostility.

Gaernian Upbringing: Basic Communication, Agile Communicator; Yvaldeysean speak 5, Literate 4.
Mercat (speak) 1
Iron Will 1
Melee 1
Delayed Decrepitude
Seamanship 1
Poverty (half)

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Order of the Silver Talents

Posted on November 8, 2022 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Silver Talents are an a knightly order of the Steel Realms dedicated to serving the god Balthazaar and the nation of Umbak. They were founded by a man named Sir Edwin Talent – and have kept his name and polished look. Their primary charge is to keep the roads of Umbak free of all things which would hurt and impair the progress of pilgrims and worshipers of their god. Within Umbak, they report to the King and their church alone. Outside of Umbak, they keep to the main roads, carrying their mission along these roads and places on them. The Silver Talents are the primary transport guards of the Bank of the Silver Stacks – a nice parallel between the names being entirely coincidental. The bank leverages their station to move their wares and personnel unimpeded. For this connection, the primary bankers on these journeys are 2nd and third born nobles – a charge that elevates the position and aligns with the charter of the Silver Talents. They are resented by many (they are an sanctioned order of knight by the High King – they cannot legally be impeded on the roads unless time of war). You will never find them, nor is it allowed by their covenant to press their cause, farther than 2 miles from any road, path, or holy site. Any territory considered to belong to Umbak itself, as perceived to be a divine road to righteousness and faith – as such all of Umbak is subject to their meting of justice. Only the Justicars of Balthazaar are feared more than the knights of the Silver Talents for their zeal. Nearly all of the order is made up of native Umbakians, and the majority of them are all second, third, or fourth sons of nobles. It is said the Silver Talents are proving ground for the crusaders. They are THE most well equipped order of knights in all the realms – fitting since the monetary unit of Silver Talent shares their name. Their armor glints like polished silver. They are the only order which may field opponents for those to face in the trial of the Heart of Light.

Within Umbak, the senior members of the Order of the Silver Talents are instructed into using the devices of Florent’s Array to send and receive messages. This order had adopted the use of Crown Tags for identification.

Official Charter:

Ranks of Power

The Silver Talents have six ranks within their organization.
There is a single Master officer for each nation the order operates in and but a single Grand Master over them all.

Silver Talent Rank/Progress Requirements
Rank Follower
Other Requirements Benefits
Lay 1 year service; Skills: primary weapon 3, Ride 2; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe
Lay 2 years service; Skills: primary weapon 4, Ride 3, Law 1; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe
Knight 2 years service; Physical Apt. 7; Skills: primary weapon 6, Ride 5, Law 2; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe

“Captains” are Knight (errant) which have been appointed to road stations within Umbak after 5 years of service as a ‘master of horses’; they maintain stables and blacksmith accomodations, and small shrines here and there for the forces of the order.
Vigil: Bless
Commander 10 years service; Physical Apt. 7; CHA 4; WPR 4; Skills: primary weapon 7, Ride 6, Law 2, Literacy; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe Vigilance: Bless, Vigil
Master 15 years service; Physical Apt. 7; CHA 4; WPR 5; Skills: primary weapon 8, Ride 7, Law 3, Literacy; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe Vigilance: Bless, Vigil, Guidance
20 years service; Physical Apt. 7; CHA 4; WPR 6; Skills: primary weapon 9, Ride 8, Law 3, Literacy; Traits: Code of Conduct, Tithe Vigilance: Bless, Vigil, Guidance, Grace

Outlook and Tactics

The Silver Talents are very aggressive. Like most of the Umbakian military, military dsicipline is part of their daily lives.

Uncommon Knowledge


Mundane Elements

  • Tithe Allowed: Severe
  • Provision Allowed: Major (must have corresponding level of Tithe)

Code of Conduct

  1. Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.
  2. Thou shalt defend the Church.
  3. Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born.
  4. Thou shalt perform scrupulously all duties beholden to the king, if they be not contrary to the laws of Balthazaar.
  5. Thou shalt defend the paths of pilgrims as if they were the Holy Temple itself.
  6. Thou shalt never lie to or cheat a fellow brother.
  7. Thou shalt avoid torture.
  8. Thou shalt give honor to any fallen foe deserving of it.

Faith Powers of The Silver Talents

The order, being an order of knights has but limited powers of faith.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Order of the Tri-Light srlm, group

Posted on November 8, 2022 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

These are a knightly order of the Steel Realms of the heartlands. They were once “The Order of the Trident” – and often confused with the Legion of the Trident. They once operating out of the Duchy of Dunstrand, Duchy of Rhyl, the Northern Merchant Cities, and Gladnor. Though they are technically a secular order, the followers of light have slowly taken control of the order in the last few hundred years, and in CY 9129 renamed the order. The order faded from Dunstrand, closing and selling its lands in Dunstrand in CY 9131. The political ranks and functionaries are all favorable to the church of Light now, worshiping Ikribu (65%), Balthazaar (20%), and Whelm (15%) – although almost all of the highest ranks are filled by those who venerate Ikribu.

They were originally named after the headwaters of the Nanford river, forked somewhat like a trident (less after The Sundering). Now they are named after the triple male gods of the Lightbringers.

Their symbol is a gold lightning bolt ending in a trident. The trident has a shorter center tine symbolizing Whelm, with a brown background and blue diagonal stripe. Older insignias has three full-length tines.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Altair Pass (ruined castle and barony)

Posted on November 7, 2022 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Altair Castle once stood proud at the south side of Altair Pass – the best way through the north Altain Mountains to South Cut and onto the Aaldian Plateau. Now the castle lies in ruins, brought down by the blade of legend Stone Cutter.

The pass and lands of the barony are a frozen wasteland of roaming spirits, broken bones and everyone that once lived is encased in hoar frost. Though the ancient fallen barony is on the south side, its frozen covering makes all consider it part of the Hinterlands rather than the Heartlands. It is cursed, and the very ground swallows the undead, and the biting cold eventually killing anything that lives. Only the spirits of the restless dead wander its confines.

Somewhere in the collapsed pass is the Altairian Mine – The namesake of the region and its primary income source.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

