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Places in the Barony of Matchalk

Posted on August 9, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Places in the Barony of Matchalk marks the significant settled and geological locations in the Barony of Matchalk. Bordering the edges of the Tolkisson Mountains, it has lowland and upland elements.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Barony of Matchalk (borderlands of N’lokrha)

Posted on August 9, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Barony of Matchalk is one of the stretches of territory that borders the Tolkisson Mountain Range (and therefore Orrish raids are common) has been granted a baronial designation to improve its stability and effectiveness in fighting off the many dark and evil things that come from the east. It is north of the Black Hillz, far enough away to not be under the constant threat of Tallow’s Deep, but close enough to be part of the unending vigilance all in the area must have.

Capital: Staghelm Ruler: Baron Sir Rustin Onrad rules the barony of Matchalck. He is a fair (Lawful) man.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Mud Vipers (criminal order of Richfield)

Posted on August 3, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Mud Vipers are a known “gang” of Richfield – so they are perceived, not as a large criminal organization. Really, the gang is just a cover for an expanding larger organization that is rumored to have ties from West River Run to Bar-Innis. They are specialized, and specifically known to be masters at finding their way along The Black Shore of Dwindor Swamp and having routes in and out of Tarmysia. With this, they have a reputation for being masterful trap makers. They secure their smuggling stashes and hideouts with sophisticated traps instead of man-power. They are even known to have water and mud traps that can easily grab and drown a victim. They have a motto that’s basically “one good trap is worth three bad men”.

They promote the knowledge they are centered in Richfield – this makes an impression that they are smaller than they actually are. They have a smuggling network from Karolak of the North Merchant Cities, through Cabella, Tarmysia, West River Run, and Bar-Innis of Dunstrand. They have been severely rebuffed by the halflings of Loamwold and Umbakian authorities.

It is said that most of the leaders of the Mud Vipers in Richfield are Runel Rats.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Cults, Sects, and Orders of Malek (Walker in the Mists)

Posted on August 3, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Culture, Education & Traditions of the Riverdans

Posted on July 25, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Culture, Education & Traditions of the Riverdans is mostly a mono-culture from more ancient days. The Riverland Culture is based on ancient eastern traditions and have merged some newer ones over time. The Riverdans of Dunstrand have incorporated many elements of the culture of the duchy at large.

Granted Rulership: The Riverdans have their own ancient laws and each ruler has, by Ducal decree from the founding days, authority in their own fief; Each small territory has its own hereditary ruling family – a fiefdom where the ruler has absolute, near autonomous control (unlike the official ‘counties’ and smaller peer titles of the Duchy). Where the hereditary families still rule, these lords are addressed as Barons by outsiders, otherwise ‘Liege-Steward’ or ‘Lord-Steward’ with a family name; All rulers are knighted by the Duke or one of his senior heralds, and as is to be addressed as ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’ at a minimum by other peer nobles of the duchy.

Self-Sufficiency: Given the politics arrayed against them, the river land folk try and be self sufficient locally. The river-side territories on the south are mostly lush flood plain lands. The river rarely floods any more, and all settlements are built on rises above the river levels, but when it does, it deposits silt and nutrients; orchards and grasses are plentiful and there is more than enough for all. Rare raids by descendants of the Pine Tribesmen (no longer barbarians of the north, but tame hill men) still living in isolated pockets for fruit and grain do occur.

Trade and Barter: The silver crown is accepted currency everywhere, but many transactions between those who live here are on a barter system due to the monetary poverty of the fiefs. When dealing over long distances and with other fiefs and large institutions, the rulers of the western river lands look to Silver Lining Lenders; This organization is also present for all manner of individual and small business services.

Free From House Malor: The practitioners of mystical arts are EXEMPT from the famous Malorian Prohibitions the govern the use of the mystical arts within the boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

