Posted on July 26, 2022 in Character-Experience
Under the surface of their choice to walk out of the darkness lurks a defiant, savage spirit so fierce it defied the gods of darkness. In becoming Grollen, they burned away that darkness but its embers still burn deep inside of them. This often happens when a tribal member goes feral, insane, or is cut off from the tribe and must survive alone far from help.
The template for the dark spirit is the Totemic Warrior template that taps into the DnD Gnoll past.
Source: Player’s Handbook – Everything is the same unless noted.
Totem Spirit (Gnoll): This requires NO physical totem for the Grollen. It is part of their soul. Rampage: While raging, when the gnoll reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points with a melee Attack on its turn, the gnoll can take a bonus Action to move up to half its speed and make a bite Attack.
Aspect of the Beast (Gnoll): While raging, 1/round on a [major/full] successful bite attack, the character will gain a number of HP equal to their bite damage (though no more than a 1st level False Life spell/6 HP maximum). These temporary HP fade when the rage ends.
Totemic Attunement (Gnoll): Their features take on a darker hue, and their aspect becomes more infernal. They gain Advantage on any attempt to use the Intimidate skill or to track a creature that can be using scent. 1/Short Rest they can, as a Bonus Action, bark a howl of fear at a single target within 5m, requiring the target to make a DC 20 Sanity save or be affected by the Frightened condition for 3 rounds – this is not just in relation to the character.
Posted on July 17, 2022 in Character-Experience
The Magi of Gloom is an agent of the Cult of Gloomfader.
Bound to Gloombringer:
Aura Taint: -2 Essence (1 each to mask their association with primal Darkness and Gloomfader).
Essence for Their Holy Symbol: The Holy Symbol of the Magi of Gloom is a mirrored brand of the Order of the Broken Sun on both the insides of the thighs. It only needs to be paid for once, and there is no opportunity for a greater Holy Symbol – the price of keeping their identity as a cult member secret. The Acolyte (Magi) of Gloom use a Item of Focus, created/crafted and imbued by the Order of the Broken Sun.
The Magi of Gloom is a combination of both d20 Background AND a Cleric Domain. The Skulker Feat is strongly recommended. Though they have proficiency in Light and Medium armor, it is strongly recommended they wear no more than Light, in order to keep up the appearance of a Wizard.
Essence for Their Holy Symbol: Additionally, it requires the permanent sacrifice/cost of -1 HP.
Skills: Deception, Religion
Communication: +1 language (of the civilized lands of the Steel Realms) – both spoken and literate.
Aptitude: Divine 1/5 Essence
Required Skills: @ 1st Level the character must take Arcana.
Channel Divinity: Fizure (Lovigdral); while in the area of effect, if the caster possess the Skulker Feat, they are in optimal circumstances and gain the advantages of Cunning Action while within it.
Shrouded Casting @2nd: A Magi of Gloomfader can cast their priest spells and have them appear as a Wizard with the following components: Arcana (skill), Religion (skill), Deception (skill), Prestidigitation (cantrip) + a (fake) Arcane Focus. Spells that obscure or darken affect x2 area; spells of light or with radiance damage half effect/illumination.
Posted on July 28, 2021 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms
Nakria is ruled as a Empire when forces from without put pressure on it. Like anywhere else, geographical locations have different societies and cultural specifics, but the tribes can be summed up as 2 distinct paths for Nakrian Characters: Those who have succumbed to giving up the path, and Those who practice the nearly forgotten old ways and are trying to achieve a “Higher Order”. ONLY characters belonging to the later have access to becoming the Bezerkoi Nhakti. Warp Spasm
Bezerkoi must inhale the breath of a wild animal to awaken the Merovin related sparks within.
Posted on May 28, 2021 in Character-Experience D20 iCore
A character can realistically be just about any background and race allowed by the rules, limited by geolocation availability and/or cultural norms. However, many places have a society that produces a preponderance of a specific outlook and qualities that reflect an archetype or stereotype. Adopting this confers some small advantages, excludes some backgrounds and alters others – including characteristics, values and behaviors. It may also impose stat adjustments. The experience can help to inform the Character Stories and roleplaying opportunity during the game. Experiences are Advanced/Complex Concepts and Mechanics.
Requirements: Cultural Experience (and any benefits) can only be taken at the time of character creation – it assumes that the character was immersed in the culture as they were raised.
Aptitude Affinity: The character has specific which may be purchased with Essence at a decreased cost.
Disposition/Ability Adjustments:
Ability Emphasis:
Knowledge/Lores: Lores (Knowledge)
Ignorance/Bias: Lores (Knowledge);
Social Standing: [linked]
Primary Education:
Secondary Education Starts at an older age.
Faith/Divine Experience:
Institutional Experience:
Personality Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Ideal Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Bond Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.
Flaw Parameters: No X/Y, Only X/Y, etc.