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Cultural Experience of The Riverdans

Posted on October 8, 2024 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Although each Riverdan is slightly different, the Riverdans of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand all share much of the same values, traditions and values that form to make a defined Cultural Experience of the Riverdans (known as “Reiverdanian“; rie-ver-dan-ian). This is in addition to the common cultural exposure of Steel Realms characters and the soft cultural aspects of the Culture, Education & Traditions of the Riverdans. Characters from The Riverdans are NOT required to accept the specific Cultural Experience, though must accept all elements if they do chose it. A group of characters with the same cultural experience can come together to form a shared Cultural Bond.

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

Character Facets

Cost: 1 Essence for the Basic Cultural/Regional Experience

Attribute Emphasis: Aggression over fortitude.

Racial Composition: Human (dominant), half-elf (10%), dwarven (10%), Grollen 5%; Due to the connection between the ruling families and the Fallen East, you will never find hal-Orrish of any kind in the Riverdans – they are not tolerated.

Communication: The folk of The Riverdans are not known as good communicators. Their tight cultural bonds leads them to make many assumptions and speak less than most folk of the realms, relying on cultural values and minute visual prompts and clues. That aside, they do have a formal Education in the Riverdans and 80% are literate to some degree.

i20™ Character Facet Details

iCore iCore™ Character Facet Details

Perspective: How they see Themselves

COMMON NAMES: Masculine > Rhemaxos, Sodasa, Hagamasha, Madyes; Feminine> Artimpasa, Tirgatao, Tabiti, Zarinaea

Common Cultural Perspectives of the Character Concept

  • Behaviors/Mannerisms/Traits:
  • Values/Principles/Ideals:
  • Motivations/Goals/Bonds:
  • Faults/Weaknesses/Flaws:

Prevalent Cultural Themes of the Character Concept

Reiverdanian vs. Easterling: The folk of The Riverdans are aware of their ancestry from The Fallen East, but have made a very acute and specific distinction of their culture from their ancestors. One is anchored in the past, the other is looking to the future. They know their deep (but mostly forgotten) ties to the conquering of Dunstrand Vale; And resolved to find their own modern way forward that does not rely on the weight of their people’s past accomplishments. In this, they are similar to the Cultural Experience of The Saelish.

Independence and Honor:
Their legacy faith of Osten-Paullus (brought from The Fallen East and a slowly vanishing part of the Faith of the Riverdans) yet persists in many places here, though tempered with the powerful feminine free spirited Elemental Consorts and Gaia of the Wyld Faith.

Family Honor and Loyalty:

Purity of Bloodline:

Perspective: How Outsiders see Them

Insular, quick to anger, prideful, passionate; Traditions are strong in The Riverdans. They rise to the occasion of combat and defense of the innocent and are brave to a lethal fault. Diehard traditionalists do not venerate the Lightbringers – they feel they failed them when the east fell to darkness, and are not generally orderly enough for the Green Church. Their strange ancient faith of Osten-Paullus (brought from The Fallen East) is seen as heretical by outsiders who are devout to the current major churches.

Races: The Riverdans are VERY human-centric in the sense that there are no non-human leaders because bloodline purity descends from human only, though many other races are welcome (especially because the population levels are barely staying current). Although the elves live in forests, they are wild elves and not Ynthian; They are a bit xenophobic and chaotic, and viewed with distrust and not generally tolerated in positions of leadership as are most of their kind in the Steel Realms by other humanoids. Any of faerie ancestry are seen this way, and half-bloods are outsiders. There are no local halfling settlements, although isolated families may exist they are generally outside the main cultural experience. The Ancient Hatred prevents Orrish ancestry characters (goblin, ork, etc.) from participating in the cultural experience. The alien Ducateon have no enclaves in the Riverdans. Grollen and Dwarves are welcome and are seen as sharing of the same independent spirit of the region. There are a couple Dwarven settlements in the Riverdans. The Grollen have a few smaller settlements in the region – trying to escape their bloodlust and population decline through remoteness.

Perspective: How they see Outsiders

Ancient Hatred: Individuals of Orrish (goblin/ork) ancestry is going to have a hard time of it (negative reactions). The Riverdan bloodlines and culture come from The Fallen East – where the Orrish drove them from and is now claimed as The Dark Lands.

Only those with a Cultural Experience of the Riverdans can become members of the Asked and Answered Riverdan Militia.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Cultural Experience of Dwindor Goblins

Posted on June 21, 2024 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Dwindor Goblins are a sub set of Goblins of the Steel Realms. They comprise the vast majority of Orrish of Dwindor and are only found there. Their society is unique. They are generally cleaner, less violent, and more knowledgeable than their Dark Land cousins.

Cost: 1 Essence

The Dwindor Goblins use the cultural elements of the Orrish of Dwindor. They are both the dominate racial composition AND fill the highest hierarchical positions – unlike Dark Lands Orrish culture. The goblins have been organized and follow human multi-tiered hierarchies that spread out through tribes (chief, shaman, Ur-Chief visionary/war leader), towns (mayor), and steadings (hetman). Characters from Dwindor are NOT required to accept the specific Cultural Experience, though must accept all elements if they chose it. A group of characters can come together to form a shared Cultural Bond. All Orrish of Dwindor are taught the dark history of their Dark Land counterparts, in order to give pride in their progress and differentiate themselves.


Perspective: How they see Themselves

COMMON NAMES: Masculine > Abye, Anaruz, Idder, Mehari, Sahlu; Feminine > Ichimi, Khensa, Nehyireg, Sura

Modern Pride: The Goblins of Dwindor are aware of their ancestry, but have made a very acute and specific distinction of their culture from their ancestors in service to the Unholy Trio. They looks to the future, where they may one day openly coexist peacefully with the Dwindorians. It is a vision that the visionaries of their people maintain and foster, and one that past Witches of Dwindor have worked towards as well.

Beyond the Tribe: Although tribe is everything in typical Orrish culture, the combined tribes and Dwindor culture is the focus. The three tribes exist to more easily designate regional rulership, but gatherings, projects, and large efforts always span tribes.

  • Family/Community Abiding Appreciation: The characters must tithe/donate 10% of their income back to the community they so love.
  • Dwindor Oriflame: The subdued yellow/green diagonal split background with a white moon below and a red heart above.
  • Neighborly: All Goblins are multi-lingual, speaking Orrish and Gladnorian (both with their own unique accent).

Perspective: How Outsiders see Them

Insular, stand-off-ish, sneaky, distrustful, secretive; They are viewed with suspicion and the general preference is simply to not even acknowledge they exist (easy with the issues that come with the Sun Bane). Despite many lost while fishing, or along the foggy Black Shore being rescued by them, the inhabitants of Dunstrand prefer to not acknowledge it. There are a few who try and encourage trade with them, but through strictly filtered and guarded access. In recent decades, the war with Gwinn has revealed many a strange bedfellow as allies to Dunstrand, paving the way for better relations. All characters outside of the Dwindor Orrish settlements will suffer Cultural Stigma.

Perspective: How they see Outsiders

While their leaders encourage some interaction, it is through very select channels. Most are seen as absolutely not to be trusted, and all Goblins are suspicious. That said, they have been taught from a young age to be receptive to outside overtures and shaking of the violence and worst of their reactive natures. The Sun-Bane means they mostly do not interact with the “Sunlanders”. Some are trained as “emissaries” – knowledgeable of local human culture and history. There have been a few cases where either an Off-Spawn or pure Goblin emissary have been sent on missions or out into the world. By default, all outsiders are seen as a potential threat to their culture and way of life, and must overcome this.

  • Trusted Outsiders: The Druids of Pranin, and the servants of the Witch of Dwindor are generally regarded with trust. Generally, folk from Dogwood Flats are seen more positive than any others due to recent events.
  • A History of Discord: There are always younger elements among the tribes that feel violence and battle are the appropriate response to perceived transgressions. The long game the tribal elders play sometimes comes in conflict with this group and encounters with them are few but reminiscent of their Dark Land brethren.

Other Aspects of Note

Attribute Emphasis: Brute strength is the way of the past.

Communication: Dwindor Goblins speak both Gladnorean and Orrish (both with their own unique accent), Emissaries also speak rudimentary Mercat, and are literate in Orrish.

Emphasis on Obfuscation: The Goblins prefer indirect confrontation, stealth, and subterfuge. They are not openly violent, nor are they confrontational or back-stabbers like their Dark Land brethren.

  • Lore(s): Dwindor Swamp (+2), Orrish History (+2)

Gender Roles: Other than emissaries, there is some strict hierarchical divisions between genders – typical of Orrish culture but without the domineering oversight. Females are definitely seen as the default care-takers of the young, but horrific forced breeding is not practiced. The Goblins learned from the druids of Pranin to produce offspring in conjunction with what their resources can support.

Goblin Mixed Blood: Technically, a goblin half breed would degenerate over generations as an Off-Spawn of the Steel Realms. Dwindor ‘Half-Goblins’ are half human, and they will not be allowed to breed with anything other than goblins if they wish to stay in the tribe.

Incarna d20™ Cultural Experience of Dwindor Goblin Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.
  • BASIC PROFILE: Use Volo’s Guide profile; Alignment is lawful evil, lawful neutral, or any good. Languages are overridden by this profile. The rare Goblin mixed blood with a Constitution of 12+ can, for 1 Essence have their Sun Bane effect reduced to Sunlight Sensitivity.
  • Limited Backgrounds (PHB): Charlatan, Criminal (smuggler), Hermit, Outlander (only option available for Goblin mixed blood), Soldier
  • Weapon Proficiency: All are proficient with the Spear and Dart.
  • Attribute Emphasis: +1 DEXTERITY / -1 STRENGTH (applied after all other starting values, Feats and Racial adjustments)
  • Emphasis on Obfuscation: If the character takes the Stealth skill, they automatically gain Expertise in it.
  • Emissary Training: Goblins (full and mixed) with a Charisma of 12+ and Intelligence of 12+ are chosen for emissary training; This gives them fluent literacy in Orrish, rudimentary literacy in Gladnorean, speaking Mercat, the ability to recognize Druidsign, and can be Dark Pranin Rangers.
  • Class Limits: (Starting characters can only choose from among these.)
    • Fighter (champion only), Rogue (thief and scout only), Cleric (life, nature, trickery, twilight), Warlock (Witch of Dwindor; archfey or celestial in recent times), Druid (Dark Pranin; land, combines circle spells of forest AND swamp).
      -> Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Warlock = only options for mixed blood Goblin.
  • Blessings of Dark Pranin: Druids and Rangers have the DC of their saves against the Sun-Bane reduced by 10 and suffer half damage the first round, and their eyes do not glow. This blessing is given and can be removed by a rite performed by the druids themselves.

iCore Cultural Experience of Dwindor Goblin Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Bloodbreaker (Nakrian experience)

Posted on November 9, 2022 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The characters of the savage tribes of Nakria have many options, including their own form of berserkers who worship the Celestial Damon-amon-ta, and the true tribes of the south that have strong Merovin blood in them. The Bloodbreakers worship the fury, chaos, and might of the Star-Child Damon-amon-ta.

Incarna d20™ Nakrian Characters Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

[Barbarian] Blood-Berserkers of Damon-amon-ta

Divine Principle: Damon-amon-ta; Sacrifice 2 Essence

Observances: Glory in battle! Glory in war! Success in war! Always escalate violence! Victory at any cost! (Only a powerful authority may counteract this last principle.)

These followers MUST all take the Soldier background, but instead of Gaming Kit, they have a Sacred War Paint kit they have proficiency in. Nakrian are all humans, the Blood Berserkers cannot be Merovin as their first level Feat must be Fighting Initiate (Must be ‘Dueling‘ for +2 damage). These follow the standard Barbarian path of the Berserker, but have the following benefits:

  • DC 10 = +1 to charisma checks
  • DC 12 = +2 Intimidation

    If he has an amount of time = Short Rest, he can automatically decorate a number of individuals = Proficiency Bonus to get +2 Intimidation for 2 days (before the paint begins to smudge). Each character takes 2 uses.

  • Augmented: DC 13 Intelligence (Religion); [2 uses when unarmored – full body] Calls down the skill of Damon-amon-ta: No penalty to initiative for the Khopesh for next encounter
  • Augmented: DC 16 Intelligence (Religion); [4 uses when unarmored – full body] Calls down the onus of Damon-amon-ta: skill effect & +1 attack with the Khopesh for next encounter

iCore Nakrian Characters Details/Mechanics

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Cultural Experience of Gaernia

Posted on November 8, 2022 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
GAERNA: Human only > Attribute: +1 VGR; Gaernian Upbringing

> Mannerisms: Loyalty to the state before all others, for it supports the framework of power through order. Personal power is pursued by any means possible. The limits of caste are strictly obeyed. The religion of Gaerna is simple and followed by all initially – “honor thy mother (Elancil) and thy father (Djerduth)”. All non-humans are veiwed with hostility.

Gaernian Upbringing: Basic Communication, Agile Communicator; Yvaldeysean speak 5, Literate 4.
Mercat (speak) 1
Iron Will 1
Melee 1
Delayed Decrepitude
Seamanship 1
Poverty (half)

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Cultural Experience of The Saelish

Posted on August 30, 2022 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Cost: 1 Essence

In addition to the common cultural exposure to the Steel Realms character, The Saelish has its own Cultural Experience of The Saelish, known as “Saelisnean” (say-liz-nee-an). Characters from The Saelish are NOT required to accept the specific Cultural Experience, though must accept all elements if they chose it. A group of characters can come together to form a shared Cultural Bond.


Perspective: How they see Themselves

COMMON NAMES: Masculine > Mikael, Micholaev, Krespar, Keeth, Ivan; Feminine> Irina, Erinov, Paulina, Tamyo

Saelisnean vs. Bronzefolk: The folk of The Saelish are aware of their ancestry, but have made a very acute and specific distinction of their culture from their ancestors. One is anchored in the past, the other is looking to the future. They know their deep (but mostly forgotten) ties to the Celestine of Helca, the great animal spirits (the Wyld Horde), and the land itself was stronger and more powerful once, but are resolved to find their own way outside the accomplishments of the past.

Community: The biggest factor in life is community – and it takes work. It creates safety, stability, and consistency – allowing everyone to thrive (and they do). Success is dependent on the overall health and opportunities of the community at large, not one specific locale or family. They see themselves as a higher animal, but animals are seen as part of the family – and have many rights. Even domesticated livestock are treated with kindness and respect, and their deaths are as painless and anxiety-free as possible. They are not naïve though, and understand how life works outside their communities (even teaching everyone the trade-tongue of Mercat), adapting as appropriate and not trying to foist their own ideas on others – merely to promote their success as something to emulate. Their overriding ideal is “Be Kind”. This applies to all by default. Movement is encouraged among the larger area, ensuring a stronger genetic diversity as all individuals of the culture are all seen as “family” and free to travel and seek their fortune outside of the place where they are born. Those falling outside the community minded, who exploit the support of the community are not cast out, but simply not allowed positions of power, not given anything extra, and generally will not find a partner.

  • Family/Community Abiding Appreciation: The characters must tithe/donate 10% of their income back to the community they so love.

Fashion: Like all places, this place has slight regional environmental variations of the “fashion houses” of The Merchant Cities as well as Gladnor, and cheaper local fashions, though much of the working class make and maintain their own clothes with purely practical considerations in mind. Saelisnean fashion colors are red, orange, yellow, bronze, tan, and bright green.

Perspective: How Outsiders see Them

Insular, oddly happy, stoic, strange, beast-lovers, touchy-feely; Traditions are strong in The Saelish. They keep their composure under stressful circumstances. They venerate freaks – the animal headed “gods-children”, an affront to nature!

Perspective: How they see Outsiders

Saelisnean folk have a slight distrust of outsiders. They don’t see them as malicious, but more as wayward children. The competitive nature of outsiders is bothersome – why can they not just live more in harmony with the world around? Of course it is slightly more work, but it pays off in the long run. Locals don’t make sharp distinctions over other races – they are all outsiders equally. They are welcome to their own (usually seen as extreme) ways, as long as they don’t interfere with The Saelish. The folk of The Saelish are always on guard to safeguard their culture and lands – the spear is the “trusted friend” of every Saelisnaen member.

Attribute Emphasis: Wisdom over brute-strength.

Aesthetic and Arts: All practices are encouraged to develop an artistic flare. From masonry, smithing, cooking, and weaving – all crafts emphasize function and form both. Personal creativity is strongly encouraged, each finding personal expression in whatever it is they do and making every outcome slightly unique.

Racial Composition: Human (dominant; [latent] Merovin 2% of humans), half-elf (6%), dwarven (3%), dozens of Duatine/Celestine [Aasimar/not ‘Fallen’]

  • Merovin Forms (if chosen): Golden Eagle, Lion (no mane), Dog (mastiff)

Communication: The folk of The Saelish are known as excellent communicators and speak with a [Czechoslovakian] accent; approximately 65% are literate to some degree. They speak Gladnorian (Expert) and Mercat (Fluent) by default. There is a tradition of some (15%) families of teaching their children Celestine (spoken only; Basic level).

Emphasis on Knowledge: Like the Ducateon, Saelisnean culture strongly values the recording of knowledge. There is a cultural library in the city of Averul named Brayfhayl. Apprenticeship is open to all who wish to try their hand, some service to the community is expected in return. Education: Children are encouraged to be curious, and to be very physical at a young age. The concept of mind and body are as one – a healthy one facilitates the health of the other. Regardless, the community emphasis of the culture creates a safer, more stable place. Knowledge for its own sake is seen as merely expanding the opportunities of exploration and production of new outcomes in all fields.

  • Lore(s): The Saelish (+2), The Celestine of Helca (+2), Animal Husbandry (+2)

Gender Roles: There is no emphasis placed on gender for specific roles and functions other than pregnancy itself and specific limits of individuals in size, strength, speed, personality, and intelligence. There are as many, if not more, males assuming the role of primary care giver in the early development of clan members. They are seen as stronger and better physical protectors of the young, but the female-minded are seen as better shepherds after the first several years. “Adoption” is commonplace, in that because all are seen as family in the larger culture, there is no emphasis on bloodline. Homosexuality is accepted and orphans are most often placed with such families and all are part of the community.

Celestine Veneration: The core cultural experience requires the character choose a Divine Principal from among the Ascended Celestials as their faith. The ways of the Celestine are seen as better for the world. Although casual worship is part of the Bronzefolk and Saelisnean culture, the direct emphasis is more on the ideals they represent than the individual themselves. They are seen as guides of spiritual development, less as sources of power (though they are known to manifest directly at great ceremonies). Many commune with these ideals and entities (if they have Conviction) using Meditation and find a form of enlightenment; the root of the composure they are famous for.

  • Cultural Faith: Celestine (choose one); The first measure of Conviction cost is reduced to 1.
  • Celestine Blood/The Duatine: Most celestine blood evinces as an iconic ideal of the “angelic”, a reflection of global expectations. The history of Saelesnian culture has many mentions of what they call the Duatine as well. There were once many more born with the marks. The Duatine have animal features above their torso. Most do not have the full head of an animal but features that reflect those of a specific beast, but some manifest the animal heads of the Celestine. All the Duatine are held in high regard, if there is any notion of “royalty” in The Saelish, the Duatine are its possessors. When the Duatine bloodline manifests, over 80% of them are female.

Adherence to Law: The spirit of the law is more important, but there is a legal code. The laws of the High King are recognized and followed as well. Nothing is more chafing to the culture than loss of personal freedom. Fines are near non-existent, penalty is almost always prison time and loss of access to community resources and a ban from social events. Poverty is nothing to this. Transgressions are cumulative and tracked. Eventually, obvious malcontents will be outcast. The worst are considered a threat to the world at large, and imprisonment for life is an option – though are given a choice of a painless death from poison over suffering this pronouncement.

  • Outcast: Branded over their heart with the Dunlupian symbol for extreme outsider/enemy in a public ceremony that also strips them of their name. Cast forth with minimal goods and money, escorted to the nearest town outside The Saelish, where they are let go at high noon and publicly proclaimed under some new random name…

Incarna d20™ Cultural Experience of The Saelish Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.
  • Weapon Proficiency: All are proficient with the Spear.
  • Attribute Emphasis: +1 WISDOM / -1 STRENGTH (applied after all other starting values, Feats and Racial adjustments); Additionally, all Wisdom saves/checks are made as if the character had a Wisdom score 1 higher.
  • Racial Composition: Human characters may choose to have a latent Merovin spark; Doing so requires the use of the Feat the human variant gets at 1st level, but they can use Latent Spark Shifting.
  • Emphasis on Knowledge: IF the character takes the Animal Handling skill, they automatically gain Expertise in it.
  • Celestine Veneration: For those who take Conviction (cultural faith) with the Celestines, for 1 [sacrificed] Essence, the character can take Meditation and begin their journey on the ritual of the Awakened Path. /li>
  • Class Limits: (Starting characters can only choose from among these.)
    • Fighter, Rogue
    • Cleric (Celestine or Green Church [not Wyld Faith] – Domains: light, life, nature, order, knowledge)
    • Paladin (Celestine); Oaths: ancients, devotion, watcher
    • Ranger (Watchers; for 2 Essence they can have trained with the halflings of Loamwold to gain the benefits of Shoot and Scoot (bow only)
    • Warlock (Celestial as a patron)

iCore Cultural Experience of The Saelish Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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