Geo-Location: Grand Duchy of Dunstrand
The Riverdans is a settled (though many consider uncivilized) area of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. The term ‘Riverdans’ is a corrupted version of ‘River Lands’ in the eastern accent of the old families that rule the ‘dans which became Gladorian, and part of the vernacular. These territories once straddled the Nanford River as it wound its way through the Duchy, each territory had a fording as a means of rewarding the ancient families that helped to conquer and civilize Dunstrand Vale. In 7950-7986 the river suffered a cataclysmic shift in course, and these territories lost their value. Once the greatest and most wealthy, now they are an isolated pocket of ancient Riverland Culture and relegated to a minor role in the Duchy as a whole. Their inhabitants are thought of as poor, less civilized/simple, and hostile to outsiders – few remember the epic and ancient history of the Riverdans. Gladnorian is spoken, with a bit of recognizable local dialect. The Sunbelt Merchants have a trade presence (especially in the north ones) within the Riverdans they are trying to always expand upon.
Defining Moment: All of the Riverdans were devastated when, in CY 7950-7986, Nanford River changed course during the Storm Times and Dwindor Swamp became a living things itself and gained the appellation of “Mighty Dwindor”.
Characters coming of age in/from this locale will shape their perspective to the primary experience of Cultural Experience of the Riverdans.
Travel Speed: Travel is slow through most of the Riverdans. The roads are almost non-existent, most fallen into disrepair and muddy, bumpy and dangerous. The places where the river washed out have deposited stones and created gulches, gully’s, sinks, mud flats that make anything more than ponderous travel of about 10-15 miles a day a labor. The locales find this does more good than harm, and make little effort to repair the ‘roads’ which, when present, have ruts and meander through areas where villages, steads and farms had to be moved many time. Mercantilism relies heavily on the peddlers role – going from stead to village trading and transporting what they can.
Travel Hazards: The locales are not friendly to outsiders. Banditry against outsiders (except peddlers) is not investigated very diligently (Lore check to know). Many outsiders are robbed while traveling on isolated stretches of country or roads late at night. Bandits rarely ever take more than they can carry, maybe the occasional mount, but never large goods, carts, or anything they cannot stay mobile with.
Known For: Being EXEMPT from the famous Malorian Prohibitions the govern the use of the mystical arts within the boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand.
Eastern Traditions: The ruling bloodlines were one noble families of the Fallen East. They have a virulent intolerance for the Orrish – mixed bloods are not welcome. Although they have assimilated to the heartlands in many ways, the old faiths (Osten Paullus) still hold on by a thread. Additionally, their speech is heavily accented and they stubbornly hold to some traditions left over from the time of Dominion in the east.
Ruled By: [Structure]
Rulership: Active; [TITLE] (Titled, peerage based, patriarchal lineage)
[Approximate] Professional = / Volunteer = / Mercenary = / Levy =
Pacification Garrison Presence:
Total Population:
[Approximate] Urban = / Rural = / Remote =
Transient: (occasion)
Racial Division and Relations:
Social/Cultural Norms of Note:
Dress and Fashion: The eastern culture of the Riverdans has a tradition of larger, brightly colored clothes for all people, young and old. It is not garish, but it is bright. Flairs, wide shoulders and bloused are common elements; silk and cotton are preferred though few can afford much silk.
Annual $:
Roads and Transport:
Primary Imports:
Primary Exports:
The river-side territories on the south are mostly lush flood plain lands. The river rarely floods any more, and all settlements are built on rises above the river levels, but when it does, it deposits silt and nutrients; orchards and grasses are plentiful. The silver crown is accepted everywhere, but many transactions between those who live here are on a barter system due to the monetary poverty of the fiefs.
Crime/Criminal Element(s):
Death Observances: Common Death and Cultural Observances of the Heartlands.