The League of the White Lily is an ancient secretive order meant to preserve the traditions and culture of The Riverdans (which harken back to the time of the Fallen East) and restore the Riverdans of Dunstrand to their former glory. They hope to also convert Bar-Innis and Richfield into traditional Riverdan territories. They believe they are the inheritors of The Nanford River Council, which was never officially dissolved after the Nanford Accord around CY 8710.
Motto: “Forward to Freedom”
Governing Principles of the Institution:
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The League of the White Lily is an ancient secretive order meant to preserve the traditions and culture of The Riverdans (which harken back to the time of the Fallen East) and restore the Riverdans of Dunstrand to their former glory. They hope to also convert Bar-Innis and Richfield into traditional Riverdan territories. They believe they are the inheritors of The Nanford River Council, which was never officially dissolved after the Nanford Accord around CY 8710.
The League is a known supporter of the Riverdan “Asked and Answered” Militia.
Immediate Goal: Currently its immediate goal is the expulsion of the Twin River council from Cerrans Grant and restoration of Cerrans Council (of Riverdan families).
CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).The League of White Lily and Gallants have conjoined interests; The Gallantine Academy started a generation or more ago taking “hostages” of Riverdan noble and commoner family kids to train them up and return a certain % to their homes without requiring long term service.
CY 9158: The League now has the direct support of the Earldom of Bar-Innis. the long term effort to turn it into the final riverdan is a rather open secret now, and highly resisted by the Twin River powers.
Tuflim and Pelmon are the remaining bordering Riverdans that will allow an effort to advocate for Bar-Innis inclusion into the Riverdan lands.Rumors have it that the efforts of The Surefoot Merchant Coster are the origins of the League of the White Lily.
Members of The Nanford River Council went on to form League of the White Lily.