Dueling in the Riverdans
Dueling in the Riverdans is more accepted and practiced in
their culture than the larger Steel Realms. It does not strictly follow the
“gentleman’s” code of dueling of the realms, but it does have most provisions in common. Generally, all other legal recourse must be attempted before a duel is called to achieve satisfaction. Individual rulers of each
Riverdan may ban, prohibit, or add rules as they so desire. It is frowned upon within the populace of the Riverdans (perhaps because of the dwindling population) and practiced more on outsiders. It is more common as a means of redressing personal wrongs or insults, and typically not to the death among the local folk.
Dueling Noblemen: It is frowned upon for heads of family to risk their lives this way. Enshrined in the Riverdan Charter was the declaration that a “priest” of the Osten-Paullus faith (now out of favor/not practiced) must fulfill the same role of the ruler or ruling family, as officiator in such instances where nobility is involved.