Faith of the Riverdans (of Dunstrand)

Steel Realms
Faith of the Riverdans is one of the few deeply felt bonds of the Riverdans. The Green Church is strong here, mostly due to the lack of reception the light-bringers (who ask for tithe) got with the local lords and the lack of trade, due to the fiercely independent nature of these folk. Due to it’s remoteness and independence, there is nothing more than a few scattered churches and many shrines. Those still adhering to the old ways of the Cultural Experience of the Riverdans follow a mix of the way of Osten-Paullus from the Fallen East and gods attached to it in the current age.

Rastur Faith of the Riverdans

Lion’s Head Bridge in Gatesmount was once dedicated to Rastur and his faith has a shrine there. Rastur is venerated strongly in the Riverdans. Cats are venerated by the people as messengers of prayer and divine favor. Cats hold a special place in the household, and many noble families possess lines of felines that date back as old as their own family, tied to a local shrine of Rastur. The Riverdan lords typically mummify their cats (the most prized family pet – many accorded with special privileges and ranks), and have several buried with them (not alive) to speak for their soul in the afterlife.

Green Church Faith of the Riverdans

Gatesmount: A strong follower base exists here for the Green Church, but it is not well-organized. Local priests do not stay long, this out of the way place is more of a proving grounds for younger adherents making their way up through the ranks. The Green Church is the default faith of the Riverdans.

Lightbringer Church Faith of the Riverdans

Inn of the Heavy Lamb: As a trade post and point of entry from East River Run the god Balthazaar and the light-bringers enjoy a stronger following here.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic