Gnaefor Stretch (of Crestwold)

Steel Realms

The Gnaefor Stretch is a territory of note of the Earldom of Bar-Innis within the Barony of Crestwold within the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. This is a stretch of land separated from Calibans Slurry by the Gnaefor Ridge on the north, which also juts south separating it from Yarrans Vale to the west (the Lower Gnaefor Settlements). The Murchart River marks its southern edge. Its a fertile (and sunken in many part) flood plain with the main road running east-west on a raised track, though often washes out in a bad rainy season. It is sparsely populated, with the majority living in the Helmand Tract.

Rulership: Hereditary title and tax collection done by the regional “Sheriff of Gnaefor” – located in the Helmands Tract.

Population: 7,500 roughly

Features of Note in the Gnaefor Stretch

Stelwick Creek

This water way collects a lot of run off and channels it to the Murchart River through this creek. It often floods its banks and writes new passages from year to year.

Places of Note in the Gnaefor Stretch

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic