Clues in the Stars

Steel Realms

This is a minor volume not understood to strictly be part of Rastillions Diabolique, though it is believed to be referenced as a piece of or related to The Endless Gates of that collection. Its mentioned a few times in other works as far back as about CY 8800 as a minor volume of rituals that provide means for gaining Essence.

Attributed Author: It is thought to be a collected work of multiple authors. The primary author is said to be one ‘Vici Stella’ (vee-chee stel-ah), though nothing is known of this person in other records. Rumors state that it was passed on to his or her apprentice.

Initial Appearance: The original binding is unknown. Its current biding is in some sort of blue leather. The pages are gilt edged in copper, and rough. The entire volume looks well-worn.

Item Origins/Purpose: The tome is said to be keyed to Divine practitioners. It contains prayers that assist with communing with a divine presence.

Power and Knowledge

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.

EXPRESSION: Ritual of Formulae Application

[Lesser] Ritual of the Star Gazer: Req: Divine Aptitude 1 / Cost: 2 Character Points – Any check is modified by the practitioners Divine Aptitude. This can be attempted for each treatment in the tome to apply it to.

[Greater] Ritual of the Star Gazer: Req: Divine Aptitude 2 / Cost: 2 Character Points + 1 Essence – Any check is modified by the practitioners Divine Aptitude. This can be attempted for each treatment in the tome to apply it to.

[Lesser] Ritual of the Persistent Star Gazer: Req: Divine Aptitude 2 / Cost: 3 Character Points – Any check is modified by the practitioners Divine Aptitude. Whenever the practitioner attempts to use their divine power of Connexion (for a single Divine Principle – chosen when the ritual is performed), it is stronger.

i20™ Powers of the Tome Details

i20 [specific] Requirements:

Lesser Ritual = DC 12 Wisdom; Greater Ritual = DC 16 Wisdom

Cantrip (lesser): Thaumaturgy (2 effects at once); Spells (greater): Sanctuary (+2 DC)

iCore iCore™ Powers of the Tome Details

iCore [specific] Requirements:

Chronicle of Eye of the Key

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

There is known to be a lesser ritual associated with the work, that enhance the meagre knowledge it imparts.

Handling: The book has a vaguely unsettling feel to it. It is lighter than it should be, by volume. It glows subtly at night, as though the air around it is diffused with starlight. When the book is opened, the pages flutter. The book is written in the common tongue of Gladnorian, but has strange markings in the margins – seemingly a combination of annotations in a different tongue and mystic symbols.

The other language the annotations are written in is Yvaldeysean, but it is something more.

Mystical Detection: The readings tell you the language is Yvaldeysean and Torquimat.The intermittent markings are all in Occulash/Elderune. There is a cipher of some sort involving all the modes of communication.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

In reality, it is one of the three sundered sections of the malevolent Keys to the Outer Doors that cannot be truly interpreted until it is joined with the others.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic