Keys to the Outer Doors (Rastillions Majorus)

Steel Realms

Part of Rastillions Diabolique, the Vile Majorus set of works. So great in evil and power is this collected work, that merely its touch (of the assembled volumes) is enough to corrupt.

Common Understanding/Perception

Item Origins/Purpose: Unknown; general claims are to “awaken” an awareness that extends to the stars, to be able to glean knowledge from cryptic insights.

Initial Appearance: The pages are said to be three different gilt edged colors. Other than this, it is unknown what the materials and specific form it takes are.

Attributed Author(s): Unknown; It is believed to be dictated by a single source to multiple writers.

Power and Knowledge

SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.

EXPRESSIONS: Ritual of Formulae Enhancement – The rituals of power contained in the volume as specific t it. Without the volume as a Focus Point, the rituals will fail. Power and Knowledge contained within must be translated and/or explored and understood.

About/Chronicle of Keys to the Outer Doors

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

The work refers to 4 key spots from which to perform a ritual with a star reference in mind and view, and their star references where named by the Celestine of Helca in some way. Their names are in Celestine script.

  • “The Mooring Post” – North (coordinates), a place on or near the Blue Wall where the some Ducateon fought a battle with the Lich Lords, though this may be mythical rather than factual.
  • “The Two Tortoises” – West (coordinates), The Ifori Gardens, watch the gas cloud entity island in Fandelok sea; island has a cave, other has a tower – they align to sight on the gas cloud nebula in the sky at night.
  • “Sage’s Star” – East (coordinates) Broken Spear in Orishai coast (near old Ducateon space port?)
  • “Star of Fire” – South (coordinates), ynth – site of first soul tree

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

It is divided into multiple parts – torn asunder by Rolciado when he wore all the masks. There are three sundered parts and the original tome with its original binding and the last pages that bring together all the knowledge to be used from the other sundered sections.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

It is the only known text to reference the The Green Empty and the infamous and whispered of ‘Barule’ said to have ended the age of Green Paths. It is said to grant access to a powerful and ancient elder entity beyond the stars.

“The Mooring Post” place is where the Ur-Ducateon made their last stand when they were awakened from their stasis by the Lich Lords.


Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

The “book” is made from the skin of The Eleven of the Barulian Lich Ring. They constructed it and bound to themselves

Visions and Dreams of the Tome Possessors

Overview: Along with each volume accumulated comes the presence, often referred to as the “Eyentity”, “The Eye”, “The All-Seeing Eye”. The presence will contact the possessor of the volume through dream-sending. There will be a reaching out, a sense of a greater consciousness trying to contact the possessor and asking for basic Attunement.

Initial Impressions: The connection will seem to grant a unique insight to the target – as if they are seeing and experiencing something which few are able – a feeling of uniqueness and special-ness, of difference and a sense of being ‘chosen’.

It is a strange vision of a headless being, with a normal eye like your own floating where a head might be. In your vision you stare into its eye and it stares into you. Not realizing it,the eye fills your vision and you are aware you are falling into it! You see scenes you cannot make sense of – a long series of violent events. All you can glean from it is that the forces of Helca have conspired to limit the enlightenment it brings.

> The headless symbolism could be a symbol of the destruction of the ego to make way for a connection to the divine.

Examined Impression: There is no way for the possessor to detect a sense of good or evil. They may only sense the motivations towards themselves and the motivations read as ‘curious’ and ‘helpful’, but it is utterly alien in the sense of it not being bound to any time or place that the possessor can understand.

Very little of its communication seems to have a direct translation. The concept of how you communicate is probably very limiting to the presence.

Critical Impression: The overall sense is that of otherness, but of a urge to connect with it – a divine principal of some sort that is so great it has nothing to compare.

The connection you have is weak and distant, as though the item bridges a gulf of distance unimaginable. The communication is vague senses only, you have the feeling that the presence it is bound to has trouble understanding your own thoughts, as its are alien to you. Instead of words, emotions, urges, and vague pictures form in your mind as it tries to make sense of the communication.

Ritual of Manifesting the Keyed Presence

Requires: Attunement (1), average intellect, Ritual Phenomenology; 12 hours study time

  • I am the bornless.
  • I am the father of father’s, the mother of mothers
  • I am the archon of the one-time, of the one-place.
  • There can only be one with my vision, it cannot be shared.
  • Beware the diamons that will not understand and seek to purge you of the higher order divine
  • The vision must be safeguarded
  • Your world’s gods want you to sleep
  • They want your soul to remain terribly asleep.
  • You may invoke me but you do not understand, you must first see yourself
  • I can only see what you see,
  • The eye is upon you and I will help you see yourself
  • The answers you may not like, such self knowledge empowers like those you know as celestials
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic