Father Glasvega (patron of Rolciado)

Steel Realms

Said to have been tutored by one of the Witch-Seers of Volgadas. He battled the Lich Lords directly in CY 7007 to free Northgate Garrison, where the Lich Lords had taken it to personally lead their armies. They were said to be carrying the evil work of Keys to the Outer Doors (Rastillions Majorus) in order to conquer the north. He was unremarkable in any way except that he had nearly conquered ego (and he was of the highest rank of power for the Lightbringers). He had no will to assail by the Lich Lords, and was able to collect unto himself the will of his entire order and others to face the kings of undeath directly.

Glasvega would later recount that their faces were cast in darkness from the masks they wore. There were eleven he recovered in all total. He could not destroy the evil tome or the masks, despite trying for the remainder of his days. He passed this goal on to Father Hikara, who had the young Rolciado as his junior at age 15 at the time. It is known that Rolciado eventually went mad, and that the evil tome was sundered but not destroyed.

The mentor of Father Hikara, in turn mentor to Father Rolciado.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic