The Potestas Dundarium were the ancestral swords of the Dukes of Dundaria, all dedicated in service to the Order of Whelm Indomitus to the defense of the kingdom.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
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The Potestas Dundarium were the ancestral swords of the Dukes of Dundaria, all dedicated in service to the Order of Whelm Indomitus to the defense of the kingdom.
Longsword, Heavy (min. Strength 13) +2 Damage, 1/Long Rest Daylight, Intelligence = 12
Item Purpose: The blade shares the same purpose as all the other blades of the Potestas Dundarium. Dawnlight’s additional purpose is to destroy potential evil, it particular foe is Undead.
Evil’s Bane: Against undead foes it is a Vicious weapon: +7 radiant damage on Extraordinary result. If the wielder Concentrates, they can detect this foe (type and number) within 20m.
> #Hostility 1 (to evil wielders or foes of The Realm)
Skilled Defense: Interception Fighting Style: +2 damage reduction; gains the “Commanders Presence” Maneuver 1/Short Rest ( using d6).
Enobled Wielding: If the wielder is a titled peer of a realm… must have taken a Sworn Oath as a Bannerman. 2/Long Rest can cast Resistance as a Reaction
Indomitable Defense:
Gains the “Bait and Switch” Maneuver 1/Short Rest ( using d6) + works with other Sworn Bannermen.
Defense of the Realm When operating in defense of the Kingdom of Dundaria …
> Wielder can spend 1 Synergy to activate ___
Lord’s Presence: In addition to Sworn Oath of Bannerman, the wielder must have been given a peerage title of The Realm.