Silver Lining Lenders

Steel Realms

The territories of Richfield, Bar-Innis, Loamwold, and Tarmysia use a local organization of the Silver Lining Lenders. It is centered in the city of Mev in Bar-Innis in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. They use bonded mercenaries to move monies and goods, and never take risks. They generally move goods of land. While the Riverdan Lords are highly suspicious of outsiders and insular in culture, those in western Dunstrand have been known to use their services. Their mission remains mostly the same as the original vision.

Basic Services: They serve as a lender, a vault, and issue bank notes for major legitimate businesses in their territory. They will hold a maximum of 5000sc for a small monthly fee – they are not a secured bank and generally do not deal in transactions larger than that.


Institutional Relations: Historically, there have been tensions from large bank and lending institutions like Bank of the Silver Stacks and Silver Lining Lenders. While nothing major has ever happened, the Office of the High King’s Vaultworks (and sometimes World Watchers)

Chronicle of Silver Lining Lenders

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

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Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Richfield, Bar-Innis, and Tarmysia use a local organization of the Silver Lining Lenders. It is centered in the city of Mev in Bar-Innis of Dunstrand.

It is an old family, Miriam Orlaheim, who began her tenure of her house in the Lowland Council of Bar-Innis. She and her husband opened a family business lending money legitimately to smaller organizations and private parties. She did not marry after becoming a widower at a young age, but married her three sons into prominent Tarmysian families. Over several generations, her sons and their offspring, part of the Tarmysian culture, became dominant money lenders and holders in Tarmysia. She passed her business on to her sister’s daughter. Within 100 years they served the Lowland Council and all its territories, and Tarmysia. Within 200 years, they had the dominant share in all of Bar-Innis and within 300 years secured the same position in Richfield and some of the west-most Riverdan territories.

All of the “Fish Barons” of Tarmysia and their families will deal with their organization almost exclusively – the trust was built up over hundreds of years and through much forbearance.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

They NEVER move product along the Black Shore or over water via a boat, and will not deal with West River Run.

Although the halflings of Loamwold deal almost exclusively in barter for their economy, when there is a need for finance and covering of upfront costs, Silver Lining Lenders has been there for them in the last 200 years as well.

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

Impact of the War: The war has obviously hurt business, but hurt family ties as well. There are many descendants that were employed by and were held in esteem by the organization. The free and independent spirit of the Tarmysians partially infected the priorities and outlook of the company. This is in jeopardy with the ongoing war. The organization does not want to see a peace because they will lose their place and their legacy in Tarmysia if Gwinn takes it.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

There have been some bad “transactions” in the past between East River Run and West River Run.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

They are rumored to also serve as a bank and mover of funds for the League of the White Lily in most of the territory they have a presence in.


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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic