Rulership: The Earlmdom is ruled by House Aelishan – a peerage family ruling recently for hundreds of years.
The capital is known as Mev, also called Mev Na-Innis in formal terms. The city sits on a small rise, north of Deer Flower Stream – now a major run-off channel which swells in the wet months.
Lowland League/Lowland Council: Led by the Council of Lowlanders, the league is a mutual trade and protection ring created to try and offset the economic advantages of the larger cities of Bar-Innis. Its members are Mosshaven, Osmail Mark (where the council offices are), Bergen, and Gnedport. It does NOT allow the presence of the Bank of the Silver Stacks.
Symbol: Symbol: Bar-Innis has a field of dark green above a field of light brown – a symbol of the rich, fertile soil. Below is the stone outcrop of West March crusade. Crossed above are grey spears with small yellow pennons with an eye in each – a symbol of the watchfulness to the west.