Eye of Dimov

Steel Realms

The Eye of Dimov was the living, organic eye that was wielded by the magus Dimov. He had to titles or accolades, he was known to have no friends or companions. It was said thy his soul was tainted with evil, and none could abide his company… because of the horrible disfigurement of his left eye.

The Eye of Dimov was destroyed by the Druids of Pranin Moorswood after the Hunting Mendollin chronicle in CY 2-9169.

Eye of Dimov

Dimov was a Magus from the southlands known for summoning minor demons and shadows. All occult circles know it as an ancient evil eye, enabling its host to “see” horrors of other worlds. The eye appears as a broken egg – as though the shell were black and yolk a sickly yellow/luminescent green. It dries the skin out around the socket and the host will never blink it. It is mentioned in a few occult books as a blasphemous item of demonolgy that will draw hate and scorn to its possessor.

Chronicle of The Eye of Dimov

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)

The Eye of Dimov was destroyed by the Druids of Pranin Moorswood after the Hunting Mendollin chronicle in CY 2-9169.

The Eye of Dimov was the living, organic eye that was wielded by the magus Dimov. He had to titles or accolades, he was known to have no friends or companions. It was said thy his soul was tainted with evil, and none could abide his company… because of the horrible disfigurement of his left eye.

Dimov was a Magus from the southlands known for summoning minor demons and shadows. All occult circles know it as an ancient evil eye, enabling its host to “see” horrors of other worlds. The eye appears as a broken egg – as though the shell were black and yolk a sickly yellow/luminescent green. It dries the skin out around the socket and the host will never blink it. It is mentioned in a few occult books as a blasphemous item of demonolgy that will draw hate and scorn to its possessor.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

Dimov was an ancient sorcerer and leader of the cult of the Black Mother (Gloom Bringer). He was a slave in service to the wizard Gemeran of Southgate, and he was freed when the enemies of the mage invaded his tower and destroyed him. Dimov was said to be a lazy apprentice – lackluster in his performance and his master held no real investment in him. He was shackled as an apprentice, do do mostly menial biddings of his master. He learned magic by his years of watching his master, and then stole many of his basic works, copied them, and taught himself the rest. His quest was for revenge on the Dust Brothers that had sold him into slavery (tentatively allowed in Soughtgate at the time) and worked tirelessly. He gave his soul to the dark goddess to get the inspiration he needed to make the leaps in learning required. Dimov willingly gave up his eye in sacrifice to his goddess in exchange for the “sight of the dark gods” that would allow him to find those who made him a slave. In CY 7939 he used his new found power to find and lay waste to the small tribe of Dust Brothers. His exploits in the south are mostly lost to legend – he seemed to be everywhere at once for a few decades. For decades he was a scourge in the south lands – inflicting loss after loss on anyone he could squeeze a few coins from – no matter their cultural or political affiliations.

Item Purpose: ?!

Requirements: Occult or Divine Aptitude 1; Attunement: Essence Greater = 1+2 (1 permanent)

Common Properties

Body Bonded: [fated] Uncommon Difficulty Sanity check when wielder becomes the ‘host’ with their own eye socket. Failure indicates it is pried out, and will cause an Aggravated Wound 1 for d100 rounds. Regardless of success or failure, any Wonderment and Youthful Appearance is lost. Looks are reduced by 1 level (minimum “Ugly”). These are permanent, even if the eye is somehow removed. The wielder has a form of Near-Sighted – all ranges for weapons are halved. The eye must be “shuttered” (covered with a patch, etc.) or it will cause 1 Fatigue damage per round until the Health of the host is at 1. Anytime the eye is un-shuttered to activate its power, the host takes 2 Fatigue damage (no immunity or resistance).

Repellent to Good: A Good Code of Conduct (or any similar) by the host is prohibited. No member or follower of a faith or like, or any follower of the Lightbringers may touch it willingly.

Repellant Visage: Those looking at it directly react viscerally negatively towards the host.

Aura of Unease: Living natural beast creatures as mounts, pets, etc. are more difficult to count on. All checks to manage and direct within personal range or 5m are made with Disadvantage. This also helps the host resist any Void Wash.

Infallible Gaze: If the host has a personal item of a target, and the eye has gazed upon it, attempts to track the target gain Advantage.

Gaze of Gloom: If the eye is un-shuttered and they are willing to further debase themselves into evil, the host can call down a pall of the void using Lovigdral powers.

i20™ Eye of Dimov Details

Body Bond: -1 Sanity, -1 Constitution, -3 hp (total and max) / Repellent = DC 10 Sanity check

  1. +1 Damage with Eldritch Blast or Shocking Grasp cantrips
  2. +1 Spell Save DC to resist any cantrip effects
  3. +2 Spell Save DC to resist any fear effect or one causing the Frightened Condition
  4. Infallible: All attempts to work any portents from Augury, Astrology or the like on the target gain a +2
    • “See” into the Nightmaria/Shadow realms nearby and see any Shades or Shadows by concentrating for a round (SAN check)
    • Can see ‘life’ as a skill DC 10 + by Concentrating for a round roughly how much Health the target has and know if they are undead.
  5. Unease: +4 to resist Void Wash

Gaze of Gloom: Must possess a Void Aptitude of 1 or permanently sacrifice 1 Essence and 1 Health. A gloom descends over an area 20m X 20m up to 100m distant causing minor obscurement (+2 AC) to all except the host and an Bane (-2) falls upon all those in the area who fail to resist with -4 penalty to their save, lasting for 1 hour – even if they move out of the area. It further reduces the hosts Sanity by 1 for 1 hour.

iCore iCore™ Eye of Dimov Details

Body Bond: -1 SAN, -1 RES, -1 VGR / Repellent = WPR check

Aura: Essence = 4
“See” into the Nightmaria/Shadow realms nearby and see any Shades or Shadows by concentrating for a round (SAN check)
+2 Astrology Skill
+4 resist void wash
Can see ‘life’ as a skill @level 1; by concentrating for a round roughly how much Health the target has and know if they are undead.
+1 damage with the Worm Tongue spell; Higher Order creatures resist at -2
all uses of the Unnerving Stare spell by the host suffer a -2 to resistance checks
+1 tracking checks if a personal item of the target is possessed
If the character does not have any Void aptitude, that may sacrifice a second point of essence to call a minor version of the Lovigdril power of Fizure:

> 3 SAN cost for 48 hours) A gloom descends over an area 20m X 20m up to 100m distant causing obscurement to all except the host and an minor onus (a measure of bad luck) falls upon all those who the seer’s gaze falls on who fail to resist with CHA-4. Costs 1 SAN for 1 hour.

Item Source: iCore™ #YYYY

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Eventually he was rumored to fall in with a roving band of Orrish. He was recorded as appearing in Ados around CY 8010, trying to force the Necromancers of Ados into divulging knowledge known only to their order, but was driven out (not killed). He was said to have been killed in CY 8014, near Ados while trying to raid a nearby (collapsed?) Ducateon Holt. Witnesses say the eye itself lifted out from his corpse with a will of its own and vanished into the dark. It is also said he died in a wizards duel with Nardon of Ados in CY 8028, and his finger nails (embedded in his unholy staff which burned in his hand) and left eye were said to have been imbued with other-worldly powers for which magi have fought over since. The eye terrorized the southern lands of the Merchant Cities, many rumors abound.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

The dark gods made him kill his master as well, and as long as the eye could see around him, he remained free of the apprentice/master shackles that bound him. And so, as part of the bargain, the life of Gemeran was taken. Whispers persist that further powers of the eye can be unlocked with a Blood Offering as well.

The Draw of Tizre’al

Around 9130s: Tezre’al, the “Lord of Flies” himself drew to his presence a small cadre of the Cult of the Locust, who venerate the great worm Mog Creoch. The eye had been hosted in a series of cultists, passing further north as if it were trying to get to Dunstrand. A despicable man turned bandit, Douglas Rinde, and his henchmen came for the power Tizre’al has promised – rulership as absolute lord of Braddon Bog first, then Mosshaven next. Also Ingris Valwyk, Witch of Tizre’al and her servants come answering her master’s call in exchange for the revenge she so desperately seeks. One of the cultists was among Rinde’s gang, and the eye pulled forth from their socket, and presented itself to Ingris – signifying its desire to have her be its host.

Ingris’ Story: Ingris’ tax-collector father passed away from sickness, leaving her mother to fend for herself as a seamstress and healer. A rebellion in Cerran’s Grant was the scene of her demise; a mercenary customer had a group of slavers take her and sell her to the rebels as a camp whore. When the rebels were wiped out, everyone in the baggage train was slaughtered. Ingris found her mother’s body covered in flies and swore that the bodies of those responsible would be that she would serve her life at the pleasure of he who could make it so. Tizre’al was just waking from being uncovered by Toad Faced Dog, but heard the oath and answered. Toad faced Dog has been grooming Ingris to aid in reviving its master in exchange for a few petty murders. That was 8 years ago. Now she has made her home here and is at work deciphering some of the ancient seals upon the tomb of the Once-King. To break them though, Tizre’al needs power – and needs to feed and grow strong – hence all power has been focussed on the lament of the curse’s attack on Braddon Bog. Tizre’al has promised to keep her oath fulfilled for this one service, and so Ingris wishes to kill more of the rebels in Cerran’s Grant. She has given her left eye to see ‘the beyond’ when working near the seals of the tomb into the shadow realm. It has nearly driven her insane, but she has also been able to follow the trail of her mother’s slayer through blood sacrifice.

Demise of Ingris: Ingris was killed by Geraldine Aelishan, when her companions assaulted Tarly Castle in the area of Braddon Bog.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

The Eye of Dimov was destroyed by the Druids of Pranin Moorswood after the Hunting Mendollin chronicle in CY 2-9169. The Eye was Swallowed (most witnessed) by the avatar of Ssissllenn after the events. It was not destroyed in its gullet, it was given over to su_permalink id=”18685″]Na’grindl the Green[/su_permalink] dragon under certain provisions in order to see again, in recompense of losing an eye in the ritual to open The Eye of the Serpent on Mendollin and affix him there.

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.
DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic