The Theurgi Emporium is a network of arcane merchants mostly in The Merchant Cities of the South with connections in the Vale Evander and some in the Guild of Solars. They have offices in many places in the south, and some even in the largest of the Merchant Cities of the North. It has rumored connections to the elven kingdom of Ynth and mages there. Like most traditions/orders of the occult, they share a common Occult Culture in the Steel Realms. The institution maintains the most common elements of Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms for members.
Operating Principle(s): “Purveyors of the Mystical for All.”
The competition between the institutions of Quizmans Magusterum and Theurgi Emporium stays peaceful and this is closely monitored to prevent violence by the Guild of Solars.
These are typically limited to , careful ledgers are kept and reported. The materials confound attempts to reverse engineer. Most goods are in sealed containers and last for a couple rounds only when exposed to air; they are guaranteed to last at least a decade if they are not jostled. A “perma-seal” can be affixed to containers to last indefinitely for 40sc.
The standard Ryadian Oblis (Identification of Mystical Items and Effects) is provided; There is no limit on this service in terms of frequency/amount, per the occult accord of orders.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
The reality of the operation of the mercantile organization is that it is backed by the Guild of Solars and the Salamanders Guild.