Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
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CY 3-4-9169 > A few days before, the word is quickly spread of a fell force in Dwindor Swamp in Dunstrand that werer laid low at great cost to the Raiding Larks and the Pin Feathers. There is much ill will stirred up against the Orrish of Dwindor, even though they are not implicated (obviously recent raids have not helped though). A “week of rest” is called to acknowledge the sacrifices the Raiding Larks made. Their names are promulgated throughout the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand and beyond. Those alive choose to retire to villas constructed for them in the lowland of the T’yendi Hills, near the headwaters of the Nanford River. In that week, many strange happenings wash over the western reaches of Dunstrand as a result of the outcome of the fight. Many sources of food are impacted, sickness spreads across the western edge of Dunstrand, killing about 10% of the population. Emergency measures are taken to isolate the peace talks and bolster the food security. Dunstrand is forced to negotiate with Gwinn to get seafood to replace the lost harvest.
Once they were adventurers that earned their initial reputation in the Border Kingdoms of the south. They were given titles and became part of the command structure of the High King in 10 years fighting pitched battles on the Blood Forge Plain between fortresses, raiding darklands, and fighting with Ducateon in the Tolkisson mountains vs. Orrish and trolls.
They famously have a magical standard which they use to rally at and raise the morale of their retainers and soldiers on the field with them. It is bound to their group, and only its original members can activate its powers. It ages as they age and will die with them.
There has not been a death in the company in the last 10 years. in CY 9167 they came out of semi-retirement (all around age 45-50) to lead the raid that wiped out the Shattering Fists of Sun Stealer order in the Dark Lands. Several retainers were lost in the battle, but none of the main company members died.
Their titles were made hereditary as a result of their actions. It is thought that, after raising their children for 10 years, many yearned for the old life of adventure and battle.
It is said one of them had some sort of vision when they were young, that drove them as a group.
Heartlands Spark > Set in Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.
Some of them met their end in Killing Mendollin.