The Dark Lands of the Steel Realms (“darklands”)

Steel Realms

Located on Ustermaya .

The Dark Lands of modern times are the lands east of the Tolkisson Range of mountains. Once the Orrish dwealt in the

PROTECTING THE DARKLANDS FROM THE SUN-BANE IS THE CURTAIN OF NIGHT. Once, the “Darklands” were north of the eastern lands of old dominion (Orrishai), now they are the Fallen East.

Orrish Ur-Darsh (states) and Tribes

Though from the outside, all life in the Darklands seems violent, brutish, and short, there is a concerted effort to keep certain things organized in order to not extinguish the fire of anger and rage. The Darklands are arranged in a loose confederacy, all under the Unholy Trio – the gods of darkness. These are “nation-states” called Ur-Darsh. These are lead by the priesthood of the gods of darkness. Each has a priest-king and attendant administrators which oversee breeding programs, food supplies, and all the non-war efforts that the Church of Darkness operates. Just under the priest-king is a war-leader with elite war-overseers which serve to organize large war efforts that coordinate a tribe or multiple tribes. Spread and mixed throughout the Darklands are the Orrish tribes – mostly Ork and Goblin.


[contentblock id=knowref1]If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Most Recent Stirrings

Early Years


Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic