The Commoner of the Steel Realms is a NPC type character of the realms that lives in a physical world. Humans (‘Faelen’) are the Dominant Species – roughly 75% of the humanoid population. Though formal education does not exist in most places, there is generally an attempt by most to stay informed of local events, avoid ignorance, and be decent. The threats of the Lich Lords, Unholy Trio, and disaster creates some broad bonds that unify in the face of common adversity. Due to the many things trying to kill the commoner, there is a certain level of practicality in gender roles and valuations. While not terribly liberal or progressive, the Steel Realms values women and men equally in many aspects, including some land ownership and there is wage equity within the same job. Meritocracy is not completely absent, and it is not a overtly feudal world, granting a certain measure of optimism to individuals and families.
Typical Non-Combat Behavior/Mannerisms: Avoid Danger, Be Inoffensive, Endure Hard Work, Work as a Team
Typical Combat Behavior/Mannerisms: Run-and-Hide, Band Together, Preserve the Herd (protect breeding stock and young first – humanoid and/or flora and fauna)
Typical Armaments: no worn armor, make-shift weapons and armor; club, knife, walking stick, throwing rock, leather gloves/punch bar
> thugs and vigilantes may have access to Basement Armories and Basement Weaponry.
5e SRD Commoner; team leads, experienced professionals, watchmen, teamsters, and laborers of many industries are likely to be level 1 of Fighter or Rogue.
Ask your GM if there are any specific to PC’s from the full list of i20 skills.