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Cults, Orders and Sects of Kaerslein (Lady of Water)

Posted on December 22, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Lady of Water

– This is the dominant order of the faith. It has common Group/Institution elements.

Cleric, Paladin – These are archetypes dedicated to serving and representing the faith in iconic roles as part of their function; Others may be available as Followers at GM discretion – serving as institutional officers, community officers, or simply through Conviction and shared liturgical beliefs.

The Common Face of Faith: Like most Faiths of the Steel Realms, there may be a multitude of denominations that make up Cults, Orders and Sects of Kaerslein. These share the common Workings of Faith, promoting worship to prove the truth of the Divine Principal's ideals and tenets, and allow Followers a means to prove worthy to wield power and secure a place in the promised afterlife. Kaerslein has a Dominant Presentation of their faith, clergy, and institutions that the folk of the realms look to.

Options for PC’s in the Steel Realms

i20™ Faith Details

Clerics in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Light, Life, Nature, and Tempest; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

Paladins in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Ancients and Devotion; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

iCore iCore™ Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Cults, Orders and Sects of Mog-Creoch (Devouring Worm)

Posted on December 22, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Devouring Worm

– This is the dominant order of the faith. It has common Group/Institution elements.

Cleric, Paladin – These are archetypes dedicated to serving and representing the faith in iconic roles as part of their function; Others may be available as Followers at GM discretion – serving as institutional officers, community officers, or simply through Conviction and shared liturgical beliefs.

The Common Face of Faith: Like most Faiths of the Steel Realms, there may be a multitude of denominations that make up Cults, Orders and Sects of Mog-Creoch. These share the common Workings of Faith, promoting worship to prove the truth of the Divine Principal's ideals and tenets, and allow Followers a means to prove worthy to wield power and secure a place in the promised afterlife. Mog-Creoch has a Dominant Presentation of their faith, clergy, and institutions that the folk of the realms look to.

Options for PC’s in the Steel Realms

i20™ Faith Details

Clerics in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Life, Grave, Death, and War; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

Paladins in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Ancients and Vengeance; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

iCore iCore™ Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Cults, Orders and Sects of Darupet (Father of Beasts)

Posted on December 22, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Father of Beasts/h2>

– This is the dominant order of the faith. It has common Group/Institution elements.

Cleric, Paladin – These are archetypes dedicated to serving and representing the faith in iconic roles as part of their function; Others may be available as Followers at GM discretion – serving as institutional officers, community officers, or simply through Conviction and shared liturgical beliefs.

The Common Face of Faith: Like most Faiths of the Steel Realms, there may be a multitude of denominations that make up Cults, Orders and Sects of Darupet. These share the common Workings of Faith, promoting worship to prove the truth of the Divine Principal's ideals and tenets, and allow Followers a means to prove worthy to wield power and secure a place in the promised afterlife. Darupet has a Dominant Presentation of their faith, clergy, and institutions that the folk of the realms look to.

Options for PC’s in the Steel Realms

i20™ Faith Details

Clerics in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Nature, Life, Order, and War; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

Paladins in service to the faith have the callings (subclasses) of Ancients, Devotion, and Vengeance; Others may be available at GM discretion or through other cults, sect, or orders.

iCore iCore™ Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Insight (sense motive)

Posted on December 20, 2024

you can sense the motivations and intent of others and assess the truthfulness in relation to what they are displaying or claiming in social situations. Using subtle clues – variations in speech, body language, reading between the lines, etc. – you get a deeper sense of their motives, moods and attitudes. If successful, it will reveal that some part of what is being revealed is not 100% truthful or accurate. It will NOT reveal the actual truth.

  • Major Result: Indicates what part of a reveal is lacking in complete truth, and perhaps if it is through leaving something out or actively mislead.
  • Extraordinary Result: Reveals same as Major Result and the exact point and nature of deception.

i20™ Skill Details

i20™ > A single Result Check is made for an Activity to determine Success or Failure and degree. The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Note that checks & attacks made without proficiency can only apply an Attribute bonus no greater than the character's Proficiency Bonus.

iCore iCore™ Skill Details

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Urchin (fantasy background)

Posted on December 20, 2024

The Urchin Background is a character Background; It follows their common conventions.

i20™ Background Details

It is assumed you are familiar with the 2014 Background List. Check with your GM to see what is supported in your Setting.

@Character Inception, Characters gain an Attribute Score Increase (ASI), limited in application by Attribute Group(s) or explicitly as defined either by their Background's Vocational ASI OR as a Pathway ASI:
BACKGROUND = +1 and +1

Benefit = +1 CP @Character Inception

i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency ( Proficiency Bonus) - Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to buy traits and Skills (adding to the Result Check).

  • Updated Skill Reference:

iCore iCore™ Background Details

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