Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Major Aspects: War, Courage, Command, Victory (at any cost) ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.
Minor Aspects: Leadership, Might, Military
Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):
Credo: Combat is the greatest contest and through it one’s power and merit shine forth; honor the foe that honors you; nothing says the edge of war cannot be blunted by the path of peace; peace is a temporary state of non aggression. Bend the wind of war to a just cause and the foes will line up like wheat for the harvest.
Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)
Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:
Favored Followers:
For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.
Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.
Favored Avatar: black skinned with white hair, strong, strong, lithe, like a caged lion. Impatient. Sword, hand axe, dagger, always in chain shirt
Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.
Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Africa (“off-ricka”) – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).
Role: Finder of ways (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature.
Numinous Elephant Spirit – “The Shielding Mother”, “The Guardian of the Herd”; Invoked mostly as/for: Protection, WisdomCommon Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).
Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Dorn’s Fist is a single bracer that can fit any humanoid arm when the clasp is unbolted and opened. It is said to grant its wearer the ability to hit harder, among other rumored powers. It magically resizes, the metal fatiguing and groaning as it does until the bolt that secures it is slid into place – sizing itself when it touches the metal of the bracer.
the Legend of Dorn: Dorn Emishkir (called “Dorn Hide-Breaker”) was a dwarf well known in the central heartlands of the Steel Realms for a hundred years from roughly CY 8900-9000. He and his dwarven band operated in the T’yendi Hills of Dunstrand and the far east Tollkisson Range, hunting Orrish and Dorn had a penchant for skinning them and leaving their corpses in the dark for their brethren to find. He would taint their bodies too, so they could not even be eaten for sustenance – it only served to strike fear in them. Dorn was known to wield a large 2 handed ax and have immense strength. He did not die, but retired, and his ‘fist’ passed on to his family, who keeps it today.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Dorn retired in CY 9012, battered and with many tales. Dorn died in CY 9047 in Redlaen. His youngest brother, Duine Emishkir, inherited the magical bracer known as “Dorn’s Fist”, but he chose not to continue his brother’s career – instead he was focused on his community and family of stonemasons in the Dwarven Enclave of Redlaen, in The Saelish region of the Earldom of Bar-Innis in the Duchy of Dunstrand.
It made the wearer stronger, and used that strength to block blows as though it were a shield – freeing up both hands to wield his massive ax.
Item Purpose: Protect its wielder
The wielder must be higher than 6th level.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
Making: Dorn’s grandfather (a full Ducateon from the Varstock Holt in Dunstrand) and father worked to forge a bracer made from ancient broken pieces of Toprag Beryllide found in ancient ruins of the Bronzemen in western Dunstrand.
Duine is said to have passed it on to his son Demis Emishkir, the nephew of Dorn, as he chose to seek his fortunes in ways like his uncle.
Dorn was a berserker, he drew upon the sacred resonance of Madr – “Him” of the Ducateon folk – deep in the earth to claim his berserker spirit. He broke many of his teeth from this effect, and his mouth was said to be a terrifying spectacle of jagged and broken large dwarven teeth when he laughed – making his smile sinister even to his friends.
Posted on October 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms
Ghost Keeper is a slim sword that is obviously of elven make, though it lacks any identifying prestige mark. The blade is mentioned only a few times in records, and only as a side note that “it was wielded by an individual at the time of X event”. It is a weapon that lives up to its name by protecting its wielder against spirits and non-corporeal undead.
The blade itself is not known for its presence in any battles of note, and vanishes from all records several hundred years ago. The records of its sightings indicates it changed hands several times, until it ended up with a collector in the far south who seemed intending on putting together a band of adventurers in some foolish notion of collecting relics from the fallen Tower Lands of the south. They, and the blade, were never heard from again.
Item Powers (common and Attuned) can be found under Common Knowledge tab.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
The blade itself is not known for its presence in any battles of note, and vanishes from all records several hundred years ago. The records of its sightings indicates it changed hands several times, until it ended up with a collector in the far south who seemed intending on putting together a band of adventurers in some foolish notion of collecting relics from the fallen Tower Lands of the south around CY 8600. They, and the blade, were never heard from again.
The few historians who have ventured to comment on its origins, even evlen sages in Port Towne, find no known exact matched style.
It seems to have come out of the north, the Rhyl forest area contains some of its first mentions (in old records compiled in the Merchant Cities of the North) when it was carried out of the ruins of a ghostly castle hidden on the edge of the woods in the Vale of Meargensdale area. It is at least two thousand years old by evidence of the styles it was made with, though it looks freshly forged. It gleams and glitters, and water coalesces on the blade as it moves through the air – leaving a faint mist behind its path.
Item Purpose: The silencing of spirits.
SPIRITS = Spiritus or Non-Corporeal Undead
If it kills or banishes any SPIRITS, the wielder gains a measure of SPIRITCHAIN.
This sword can be wielded proficiency as either a rapier or a long sword.
Scourge vs. Spirits: When the blade is within 5m of SPIRITS, the blade is +1 Attack, +1 Damage, +1 Initiative, and the wielder gains a +1 AC. All manner of resistances against Ghostkeeper by SPIRITS are negated, and immunity is reduced to resistance.
SPIRITCHAIN: As an action, The wielder may use 1 measure (reducing the total by 1 permanently) and cast the Spirit Guardians spell.
Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)
Item Source: i20™ 2023