Formulae (spells, etc.)

Formulae (most often referred to as “Spells“) are prescribed elements of mystic power which can be affixed to a character through a Mystic Reservoir. It holds a configuration of mystic power that is manifested using a variety of Mystic Methodologies to evince an effect. Each Formulae has an associated name/title and level or rank of power that reflects the experience and/or knowledge required to learn and use it.

i20™ Formulae (spells, etc.) Details

Spell Formulae are imparted through Classes (Pathways, etc.) as a set of Spell Slots of various levels (held in a Mystic Reservoir) that most often use Casting (a Mystic Methodology like runes, alchemy, etc.) to evince their effects.

Any Formulae (spell) with a ritual tag is Universally Ritualized and typically takes up 5x the space in Reference Work recordings of it.

iCore iCore™ Formulae (spells, etc.) Details

These are all learned as part of a Mystic Tradition through research, inspiration, and/or a mentoring process that will dictate primary and secondary Attributes when manipulating them. Many appear in common with multiple Pathways, though can have their own labels by path, Setting, and/or locale.