Craftwork: Hide

All crafting and artisanry using this skill follows the typical Tradecraft Practices (including Specialization). Craftwork uses some form of Utility (tool, kit, workstation) to fabricate items.

Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.

i20™ Skill Details

i20™ > A single Result Check is made for an Activity to determine Success or Failure and degree. The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Note that checks & attacks made without proficiency can only apply an Attribute bonus no greater than the character's Proficiency Bonus.

iCore iCore™ Skill Details


Each specialty has its own specific set of materials and tools. Some are shared with other related specialties, but the exact Utility Set is unique.




i20™ – This Feature has a corresponding d20 Skill/Kit expression.