Best Practice (Starting Limits)

Impact > Neutral (GM assigned)

Best Practice maximizes the lifecycle development of the campaign story and characters. This Feature reflects the “Gritty Realism” of the Incarna Approach to Character and Story.

Moment Req: Inception only.
Campaign Experiences are generally ASSIGNED by the Game Master. This is considered a Best Practice approach.

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

Character Envisioning > Start with a unique idea, or one modeled on a historical or literary figure. Create character stories to fill out their history and justify individual elements.

Choose Race > Restricted to only the main PC races of the Setting.

Choose Archetype > Class, Pathway, and/or Calling – Archetype Template (Classes).

Maximum (non-adjusted) Skill Level

Point Buy Attributes > When making characters, all must use a point buy system for attributes to ensure the playing field is level and all characters have a more predictable power arc.

i20™ Best Practice Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Ability Score Point Cost
8 0
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 7
15 9
16 11
17 13
18 15

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Characters starting out at a level higher than 1st cannot gain the benefits of Committed Pathway.

Standard Point Buy is used to generate the 6 of the essential Attributes; Sanity and Perception are assumed 11 and can be swapped out. A character CANNOT start with higher than a 18 in any Attribute, nor have an attribute lower than 7.

Level = 3

Milestone Level Up is strongly suggested > GM’s control the pace and scope of the character development to match the challenge of the story elements rather than follow a strict linear story or uncontrolled advancement. This is NOT to the extent that it should impinge the agency of the player.

iCore iCore™ Best Practice Details