Guiding Behavior (Code, Creed, Oath, Vow, etc.)

Guiding Behavior – The prime creeds fall within…

"But, it’s what my character would do!" - These types of character aspects are not an excuse to be disruptive to the point that it constantly endangers the safety of the group or the story continuity. Find creative ways to work through situations and do not manifest them to extreme levels of Behavior for your own amusement and to the detriment of the group.

When Multiple Guiding Behaviors Conflict

Symbols and Themes are threads which are common to many creeds, faiths, and organizations. They are iconic and remain some of the most drawn upon imagery. Specific meaning is interpreted by entities adopting them. Good and evil is is ubiquitous; this theme needs no explanation.

  • Light typically is revealing, warm, & direct. Dark is associated with refuge, obscurement, & secrecy.
  • The circle is the symbol with no start or end, a loop which symbolizes the infinite nature and connection with the cosmos.
  • Water cleanses and nourishes & has multiple states – solid, liquid, and gas; its mutable from is symbolic of many things.

Creeds can have Codes or Tenets

Minor Tenets: These are prohibitions and proscribed behaviors that are incidental, and will usually not cause a violent disagreement in their mere expression. Such things as sacred colors, days of observance, phrases and specific dietary and small life practices that in and of themselves represent little in terms of effort or involvement but are a signification of submission to the basics of a group, secular or religious institution or club’s ideals.

Major Tenets: These require active participation and represent a serious potential of coming into conflict with other’s daily lives.

Outcomes of Following Tenets


The character has produced an outcome that follows some of the major tenets of a code or they have been a model of consistency in the lesser aspects. Either way, they are to be recognized and rewarded. In game, associated groups or societies may promote and support the exemplary icon, while the GM can assess the normal Reward mechanics.


A character has violated a major tenet or has an accumulation of lesser tenet violations. They have failed to live up to their expectations and/or a group’s if they are Bonded to one. Guilt, self-doubt, shame and self-pity plague the character. Atonement is the only path to redemption. Until then, societies may censure or bar characters, and they may be stripped of powers, titles, and benefits. Until Atonement is complete, they character suffers a level of Exhaustion at minimum.


The character acknowledges the transgression, and makes amends to offset the damage done from the act of Transgression. Oftentimes a Code of Conduct will have a path of Atonement spelled out. Atonement restores any powers or mechanics based capability, while social or institutional benefits may be restored at a different pace or probationally.


Alignment is an axial cross of the prime creeds. Lawful-Good, Chaotic-Evil, etc.
Reconciling these is not easy, but for each element in the axial combination which is role-played correctly should warrant a Personal Reward each session.