Rastillion’s Diabolique
There are several well known treatises which comprise, collectively, the collection of books refereed to as Rastilion’s Diabolique. Rastilion was a disciple of Ezrilus and master sorcerer of part elven descent. Little else is known of him, as if he was hiding his identity. He lived for ages, and his fate is unknown. These ancient records referenced in Rastillion’s Disabolique come in multiple forms – scrolls, books, tablets of stone and metal. The are sometimes complete, sometimes incomplete, copies and translations that may contain errors or purposeful obfuscations. These works are considered Forbidden Knowledge.
SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE: Reference works and basic exposure alone may only provide the foundation for gaining a [mechanics based] advantage. To reflect the practice and experience to gain that benefit consistently, typically requires a cost in Character Points.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
There are several well known treatises which comprise, collectively, the collection of books refereed to as Rastilion’s Diabolique. Rastilion was a disciple of Ezrilus and master sorcerer of part elven descent. Little else is known of him, as if he was hiding his identity. He lived for ages, and his fate is unknown. In CY 3610 he began production a comprehensive list of grimoires known to be the most malevolent in nature – containing knowledge from the dark places of the soul, the embodiment of evil. These ancient records referenced in Rastillion’s Disabolique come in multiple forms – scrolls, books, tablets of stone and metal, etc. They are sometimes complete, sometimes incomplete, copies and translations that may contain errors or purposeful obfuscations.
The works themselves, and their copies, can be found in multiple languages. Partial works often deliver a portion of the power within the work, explaining the sacrifices, spells, ceremonies and entities involved. In some cases the actual books, scrolls or other materials inscribed upon have been imbued with powers. In such cases, copies lack such powers and the effectiveness of the works may be diminished. Each book grants different powers and knowledge, many written in ciphers and appear as gibberish or innocuous on the surface. Most contain practices which must be reinforced through repetition – horrible acts, thoughts, and words that only the most power mad would seek out in order to gain their powers.
Around CY 3940 the first mention of the “collection” began to appear in occult and divine sources – though individual grimoires in the collection date back to the time of Dominion (thousands of years before). He divided the works into two sets – the Malificent Minorus (lesser works) and the Vile Majorus (more powerful works). These he researched, coming across the actual works, copies, partial transcriptions and rumors to produce a reference work that listed them and a brief description.
Some select works, or partial versions of them – trimmed down to a ‘safe’ presentation, are center points to various cults, sects, and institutions that use them as “selective knowledge” – an organizational secret to lure in potential members and worshipers.
It is said that knowledge of the catalogue itself is said to be part of the standard occult teachings – the intent was to provide a magus with a simple reference work to help identify found magical texts and avoid the more negative aspects of the works to prevent the influence of the malignant tomes words and powers. There are hints of the malignancy being one of interpretation – an alieness that is difficult to comprehend and therefore it is labeled ‘evil’ and ‘vile’, proscribed as a threat, though those that might be able to have a chance at comprehending it would be able to measure its power as boon rather than bane.
It is said that there are mentions of the enigmatic Moriella d’Wynther in some of the tomes.
In reality is serves more as a a road map to the byways of oblivion and hidden or forbidden knowledge for most. Like a shopping list, those seeking power seek each and every item, fragments, or pieces to gain just a flicker of the total power Rastilion hints at. This power is the power to travel between the stars, to collect memories of the past and summon spirits that shepherd dead souls in the House of the Dead – all knowledge from all times!
High King’s Law Articles: The general authorities – faith’s, mystic organizations, and civil – will bind under law any found in possession of an item from the collection. such materials will be confiscated and often sent under guard to the Guild of Solars for proper disposal/retention. Local authorities will interview and pass judgement depending on awareness and intentions between the possessor and the object(s). Typically no more than week for accidental possession, a few months for holding such materials with knowledge, and years, life or death for the active employment of anything depending on its severity and outcomes.
Though all are considered ‘forbidden’ in the sense of the general authorities attitude, it varies by locale and/or community. Secular academics and private collectors are known to secret away such knowledge. Some being center to the traditions and benefits of organizations, they are forgiving of possessing related materials (though seek to possess it themselves).